MovieChat Forums > Sleepwalking (2008) Discussion > Guess I'm one of the very few who liked ...

Guess I'm one of the very few who liked this movie

The average score on Yahoo is D+. Rottentomatos gie it 18%.

But I thought it was quite a good movie. Not great, but I enjoyed watching it and I think that it is very well crafted and well acted. I'm not going to try to analyze the movie here since I'm not a good writer but I don't understand why this movie gets dumped on so badly.

I do realize that it is not a action movie and not a feel good movie so some may be turned off but why do so many reviewers hate this movie?


I reviewed this for my college paper, and while I didn't hate the movie, I joined in the negative reviews. It made me think of "Winter Passing", another dreary drama which has an amazing cast but the story is just impossible to care about or believe. It was like I could see the intended point of the story, but was blinded by all the problems like the slow pace and utter moroseness. It's one of those movies that wants to appeal to the downer crowd, but can't make everything work. I can see why you would like it, especially with the acting, but I could just not stand the feeling I got from it.

I am Lord Newt Batchmonkey!
