MovieChat Forums > Sleepwalking (2008) Discussion > How many stars do you think this looks o...

How many stars do you think this looks out of 5?

With 5 being the best and 1 being the worst and 0 being worser, what would you think Ferris Wheel looks like to you?

As for me, this looks like 5 stars, EASILY!

"Speed. I am speed. 'M faster than fast. Quicker than quick. I AM LIGHTNIN'!"





No idea yet! But 3-4


I was part of the first group to test this movie (I live in LA). It's a total crapfest. Everyone in the audience was chuckling when it ended and shaking their heads in disbelief. No one knew what to make of it.

Don't get your hopes up.



And we're supposed to take the word of someone named yuckiegirl?

Your lack of detail and credible criticism makes me somewhat suspicious, particularly with a stellar cast like this one. Knowing who was cast, and having read the script, I personally am quite looking forward to an entertaining, touching family drama.
Time will tell.


I saw it at Sundance 2 months ago and I thought it was great


Sorry for being a pain in the a$$ but I have to point out that the word worser is not a proper word in the english language. The plural is worst. Unless you were being ironic, then the jokes on me



Ok, I'll go ahead and say that I watched the movie when someone put up a link to a site that uploaded it. I give it a 3/5.

Obviously I wanted to see this movie to see if Annasophia Robb really did live up to what the critics have been raving the past couple months. And she does, in a huge way. For the first time in the films I've seen her in, her acting was natural and trully believeable. While she did a great job in BTT and Have Dreams, she doesn't show any signs of the occasional stiff acting that she had in her previous films. While her character was very complex, Annasophia portrayed her every emotion smoothly, without once feeling awkward to the audience's eyes. Her chemistry with Stahl's character was convincing and heartfelt. At first I was a little bit on the skeptical side on whether or not her performance was oscar-worthy; but after watching this movie, I immediately brushed said thoughts aside.

That said, this movie is James's (Nick Stahl) story, and he delivers. His performance really brought out the emotion that most of the film lacked. At certain scenes one could jsut sense the extreme pain and sorrow that James is going through as he grows more fond of his niece, only to see her get taken away, that and other aspects of his character makes a nice buildup to his climactic release of emotion near the end.

I know, it's starting to sound like a 5/5...but here is where the film gets it's real flaws: the story. Besides extremely powerful performances by the leads, Sleepwalking's story suffers from it's overtly dark tone and predictability. Yes, it's supposed to be a morbid take on abandonment and abuse, but unfortunately that's all there is. The characters stumble from one unlucky bump in the road to another without any real relief for them. Besides the budding almost brother-sister type relationship that James and Tara develops, it doesn't really stop the film from becoming increasingly bleak. And quite honestly, as much as I tried to defend it, I didn't understand James's notion to return to his abusive and bitter father's farm. Once he mentions going there in the film, especially with all the comments that he heard from Tara, predicting hell in Satan's frozen ranch wasn't very farfetched. I enjoy films that are open to interpretation and don't give out easy answers; I mean that's why I enjoyed Bridge to Terabithia, right? However, Sleepwalking's ending hardly even tries to put some sort of resolution. While I refuse to give out any specific spoilers, a simple reunion followed by the ending credits just didn't satisfy me. Sleepwalking was an all-throughout morbid story that DESERVED a true resolution, sadly it barely had one.

I enjoyed Sleepwalking. I loved the characters and the performances (Especially Robb and Stahl), but like the ratings that you've read throughout the web, it was just barely enough to carry the weight of a bland and predictable story.



there is no plural for an adjective, nor is his play on words a form of irony. do know what you're talking about before you try and call someone out.


Anyway, back to the movie.
I watch A LOT of movies and this is the first time I have been on the edge of my seat since Hard Candy. I am reading all the negative comments and reviews that dog it and wondering who these people are and if they were too busy sending text messages during the film to see it.
5 out of 5-I was riveted!
I know these characters, I know the stoic and cruel life that farming can be, I did an internship with family services, and I have worked with teens removed from their homes in a residential care facility-these are the most real people I have seen in a movie in.... well ever. I think that maybe you have to have some real life frame of reference to get that, but let me share for those of you without that.
James is sweet, simple, trying to be good, but still beaten. He is so much so that he has to seek someone out to tell him what to do. He has given up the right to think for himself. He CANNOT stand up for himself ever. The way he doesn't question anyone that tells him what to do. (The scene where Charlize's character says that he's not supposed to be nice back when people are taking advantage of him.)
By the same token she will never get over the cruelty of her father. She is still running away from home every time she picks up stakes and starts her "first day of the rest of your life." Women with abusive fathers often move man to man still seeking approval.
I loved the comment someone made about Tara and her bravado being her coping mechanism. We see how Mr. Reedy can even beat her down.
The fact that in the end they are all free of the past gives them hope and the chance to really move beyond that. James is sickened by the final events, but as he says, it can't get any worse than it was. He takes his chance for his new "first day of the rest of your life" and gives that to his sister too.


I'm not going to disagree with you when it comes to the realness of the characters. I have witnessed dysfunctional and abusive families, and I definitely know how difficult it is to get motivated to do better things from such an upbringing. The unconditional love that Tara shows for her mother throughout the film is definitely the main highlight; for that and the superb acting I enjoyed the film.

What proved to be the most problematic for me was the ending. While the characters' freeing themselves from the past and mother/daughter reuniting was a very moving event, it didn't feel at all like a resolution. And by resolution I don't mean a 'happy ending', but rather a sense of closure. The filmakers wanted their audience to feel hope for each of the protagonists...or maybe for the long run...As I said, the final scenes were touching, the characters are free from their dreary past. But realistically they're likely going to face a not-so-bright present. James is likely going to have a hard time readjusting his life when he is in fact a wanted fugitive. And as much love as we felt for Joleen and Tara reuniting, Joleen (her epiphany aside) is still going to face her situation with child abadonment and her daughter still technically in the hands of a foster care home. Pretty much, they're going to face a lot of major hurdles during the 'first days of the rest of their lives.'



I don't think permanent resolution to all of their problems was the point. I think the point is that they were no longer sleepwalking. They could now be active in their lives and try to change the patterns of the past and let go of some of the pain. Lots of hurdles yes, but more hope and determination.
I also got the message all the way through that the one cop knew Joleen well and was going to try to give her another chance to get things right.


5 out of 5, a little messy in the beginning, but a great script, great actors, great story, great everything!


4 out of 5 only because this movie wouldve never made it without charlize theron and nick stahl. they were great, as usual. beautiful story...believable story...

i dont mean gay like homosexual...i mean gay like retarded.
