The Grandfather

Okay, Now don't take this badly cause I'm a nice person really, But who else, honestly, wanted to beat the crap out of the grandfather when he was beating Tara. Honestly, that really made me mad and I couldn't watch that part of the movie. I'm not one for being like that during a movie, but I was basically jumping out of my seat wanting to help Tara so bad. Did anyone else feel like that?

Supernatural lover for life!


Lol, take it badly cause your a nice person? Seriously, your not alone. I'm sure everyone here wanted to kill Mr. Reedy when he was assaulting Tara. I for one was heated, but mainly because Tara was being played by AnnaSophia Robb. And I just couldn't stand seeing her being hurt so brutally like that, even if it was just acting.

Even though the scene really pissed me off, it just shows the performances from everyone (Theron, Stahl, Robb, Hopper) was amazing. Specifically Dennis Hopper. He's just such a peaceful, relaxed man in real life, but he played the evil Mr. Reedy Brilliantly.

Yup, bought the movie on it's release date, and I haven't seen that violent part since I first watched it. Actually, I've chosen not to watch that part. When I do watch it, I usually just watch the whole road trip scenes (Starting from where James picks Tara up from the orphanage) and the ending part where Tara and James are driving back to the police station.


The scene explains why James is such a loser and shows how he decides to turn it around.

While he learned hard work on the farm, he never was allowed to take any initiatives.

The first big initiative of his life is to go and rescue his niece.

Seriously, he could have walked away from the homicide with probation, had he got a fair trial, of course.


I seriously thought he'd end up with a pitch fork in him while he was beating James. He deserved what he got. Hopper is always such an excellent villan. He looked darn good in that cowboy hat.


think people would take it badly if you had said "Tara deseved it, and the grandfather had every right to kick her ass"
lol, pretty sure everyone who watched this movie- minus a few sick people, felt the same you do. i know i did

You hate us 'cause we're beautiful, Well we don't like you either


Same here. When he called Tara a little sh!t because she couldn't coil the rope, I winced in disgust. That was really good acting on Hopper's part. I absolutely hated that man.

I only do it with superheroes.


The father was a total a$$hole and deserved what he got. I didn’t see any redeeming quality in him. As you notice he didn’t have a wife. So that says something. James after killing his father had basically woke up. James and Tara could have made up a story that the father was going to molest her and James stopped him and killed him.


no, the son is a filthy murderer and no one can approve this but a sick mind, but any way the character of the father wasn't real at all and the acting was silly and stupid.
