


Kid: Hey what time is it Grandma?


Mimi! RKO! It's like Christmas...or a reunion!

~I Wanna Spanko James Franco!~


Soccer how you been doin girl!



I've been great, hope you all are as well!

~I Wanna Spanko James Franco!~


What up.

I dont think you understand the importance, Ray! He has a bucket, and they be STEALIN it!!!!!


Hey Flango, whazuuuuuupp?!!

In God We Trust, In Obama I Believe!Free Forever, Forever Free!


Wish I could talk to my lovely Borat again/

I'm talking to a Rasta Man about a bongo....


Yo! Muggle! Its twmm/tubba!

Who do you think you are? Sarah Palin?~Tony DiNozzo


Damn! It's been a while. How you been?

I'm talking to a Rasta Man about a bongo....


Awesome! I just graduated high school last week......I can't believe it either! I'm single now and I've been hitting on all my sister's hot friends!

Who do you think you are? Sarah Palin?~Tony DiNozzo


Congrats on graduating. Are you going to college?

I'm talking to a Rasta Man about a bongo....


Yeah, I'm going to community college. My grades in high school were just good enough to pass, so community college is the only place for me!

I just recently realized why they call it community college b/c anyone in the community can go....a crack head, prostitute, drug dealer, come on in! They don't give a f*%k!

Who do you think you are? Sarah Palin?~Tony DiNozzo


LOL. Yeah, my old community college was a bit like that. It reminded me too much of high school, what with the institutional feel, and endless hallways. There was nothing organic about, if you know what I mean?

I'm talking to a Rasta Man about a bongo....


Yeah. Well, I'll find out soon enough how community college feels.

So whatchya been up to?

Who do you think you are? Sarah Palin?~Tony DiNozzo


I am going to join the army after high school and get blown up my first week fighting terrorists. jellyous?

What did one snowman say to the other?


Trooper! What's up u ugly mothaf*%ka!

Who do you think you are? Sarah Palin?~Tony DiNozzo


Damn..it's a reunion.

I'm talking to a Rasta Man about a bongo....


if only

I dont think you understand the importance, Ray! He has a bucket, and they be STEALIN it!!!!!


Does anybody keep contact with any of the old posters on myspace, facebook, twitter, etc. or have we pretty much just lost them to time?

Who do you think you are? Sarah Palin?~Tony DiNozzo


Hey Everybody =)))




Who do you think you are? Sarah Palin?~Tony DiNozzo


I have Borat's myspace, but I haven't logged onto that thing in years. Maybe I should try to contact her?

I'm talking to a Rasta Man about a bongo....


Yea. Try and get in contact with her, convince her to join our "reunion"

Me to Demi: You're puuuurrrdddy!
Demi: Awww, thank you!





Me to Demi: You're puuuurrrdddy!
Demi: Awww, thank you!


Hello, everyone! How's it goin'? I'm gonna go see if any of my other accounts still work...



MrsBorat, hey its twmm/tubba. How's it goin'?

Me to Demi: You're puuuurrrdddy!
Demi: Awww, thank you!


I don't think that's the real Borat.

I'm talking to a Rasta Man about a bongo....


No, I is the real Borat. This is the only account I have left...I tried my old accounts, and they don't work. I know there are others, but I don't remember the e-mails/passwords for them, so yeah. You can quiz me on things that only the real Borat would know, if you'd like...although I can't promise to remember everything.

But I do remember you, Tubba! How's life??

And of course I remember my true love, Muggle . I even remember your birthday is January 31st (I think), if that's proof enough. How have you been, darling?



That's kind of scary. Like really scary. I don't even remember my birthday half the time. And somehow you can remember if after all these years. You DO love me. But anyway, I'm doing fine. I moved to Texas last month. Austin, to be exact. Such an upgrade from the hicktown I used to live in. And you, love, how have you been?

I'm talking to a Rasta Man about a bongo....


Life's pretty much been a pain in the ass, but I keep fighting through it!

Me to Demi: You're puuuurrrdddy!
Demi: Awww, thank you!


Life's always a pain in the ass. Seriously.....kick that ass if it's a pain.

I'm talking to a Rasta Man about a bongo....


You have the same birthday as my sister, that's how I remembered. I wasn't exactly sure if I was right, though. So, what are you doing in Texas?

I've been doing pretty well. Still in my same ol' hicktown, but it's alright.



I'm in Texas because my father is an awful. That's the short story. My brother lives there, so I moved in with him. I miss my hicktown though. Never thought I'd say that, but everyone I love is back there. My friends and my significant other. What have you been up to? I seriously miss the fearsome duo we used to be. Good times.

I'm talking to a Rasta Man about a bongo....


That sucks, love. Tell your lover to move to Texas!!

As for me...I'm living with my bf now...I'm pregnant with a boy who's due November 30th. I'm naming him Adrian Lucas.

And yes, we were quite the team. I'm pretty sure no one could ever top the awesomeness we displayed as board leaders and ruthless troll-like beings.



He is moving to Texas. Eventually. We're trying to save money right now, so he can get down here, and then we can get an apartment together.

Congrats on the baby boy! Are you excited? I bet you can't wait. I love the name too. My friend back home just had a baby in July and I was bummed that I wasn't there to see her. She was in labor for like 36 hours. Hope you have an easy labor.

And yeah, we were pretty awesome, if I do say so myself.

I'm talking to a Rasta Man about a bongo....


OMIGAWD, 36 hours??!?! I'm a little scared about that part, I hope it's not horrible and nothing goes wrong. So far everything's been fairly easy, besides the first 3 months when I was sick. But even that was tolerable, I think as far as pregnancies go mine has been pretty smooth. I am excited, and a little scared at the same time...I'm gonna miss my sleep. LOL...

Good luck with your boyfriend, by the way. I hope you guys get to be together soon, I know I couldn't stand being away from mine. The longest we've been apart is 2 days since we've been together and it was torture, lol.

I miss pissing people off with you. I wish we had more people to terrorize. Those were the days...*sigh*



oh lawd congrats Borat.

I am qod


Yeah, you'll miss your sleep, but you'll love you baby way too much to worry about it. It's good you've had a pretty easy pregnancy. I hope you have an easy labor.

And I am going crazy. We've been with each other everyday for 3 years. This is the first time we've ever spend even a day apart, and we just happen to be halfway across the country from one another.

Perhaps we could go back in business. I bet the Justin Beiber boards could use a couple trolls. Just kidding.

I'm talking to a Rasta Man about a bongo....


Yeah, I know I'll be in love with him as soon as I see him. Being pregnant is so weird...I'll be watching those 'Baby Story' shows on TV where they show real pregnant ladies giving birth, and every time without fail, as soon as the lady gives birth to the baby I instantly cry. The littlest things will make me wanna cry, too. You know pregnant women produce more estrogen in one day than a non-pregnant woman does in 3 years? So it's no wonder I'm all emotional. Not too crazy, though. I have much less of a temper now and I'm a lot kinder and easy-going.

*Sigh* I feel bad for you and your boyfriend. Don't get pregnant on any of your visits or you'll be a million times more sad and frustrated that you can't see him when he's gone. LOL

Justin Beiber trolls, eh? I'm not sure if I've got that kind of dedication anymore... I bet that board is busy as *beep*



That's crazy. I can't imagine being that emotional. And I certainly don't have any plans of getting pregnant anytime soon. (Not that I see anything wrong with it, I just don't want kids right now. Plus I got a few bad habits that are probably really bad for the kid, that I'm not ready to give up yet.) I work at a flipping Toys R Us, so I get enough of them in a day. I swear, parents just don't know how to take care of their kids these days. I bet you'll be a great mom though. Working there, also probably stems my hate of Justin Beiber. They play him, High School Musical, the Jonas Brothers all day long over the loud speakers. That alone is enough to make me want to bash my brains in.

I'm talking to a Rasta Man about a bongo....


It is by sheer chance I stumbled upon this board hahaha,
This is polakadek1234 guys, I hope someone at least remembers me. I remember all of you!
And Missesborat! you're preggers??!? congratulations! by the way, my first name is Adrian hahaha. It is a LOVELY name. I'm on facebook under Adrian Soltys, if anyone wants to see what i really look like.

I hope you all are well

Hitler was a scatman.


Hey polakadek, its twmm/tubba! I sure remember u!

And congrats, Misses B.

Me to Demi: You're puuuurrrdddy!
Demi: Awww, thank you!


Thank you, guys. Glad to know you like the name I chose, polak.

Muggle...I know what you mean about parents and their kids. All the time in stores I see (or just hear) parents obnoxiously screaming at their kids for being loud, and I'm like...WTF? You wonder why your kid is being loud and annoying? Listen to yourself. It's either that or they're not watching or responding to them at all and their kid is annoying everyone in the store/restaurant, but no one seems to care.

But anyway...I'm sorry your job consists of listening to so much sh!tty music. Justin Beiber doesn't really piss me off or anything, but that's probably only because I don't have cable and don't listen to the radio, so I'm not really exposed to him that often.

So...what else is new with everyone?



I cant believe I missed this overload of awesomeness. Congrats Borat

YEAH! WOO! Bring it on, baby! Can't stop this!


Borat...you must tell me how that beautiful baby boy is doing.

I'm talking to a Rasta Man about a bongo....
