sad attempt

It seems the standard of quality horror movies have seriously been degraded the last 10 years. First we get all the remakes from classics, or asian movies.. But it seems that now, the standards have even been lowered more. This movie is absolutely a piece of junk, the acting is poor, the characters have no depth whatsoever (you dont care what happens to them) and the storyline...(well, what storyline??) is..well absent. The camera treatment so amateurish, its sad for words.. There is so much shaking going on, and the camera mysteriously never leaves the van. Some websites claim this add to the realism of the movie, and that it gives you the feeling that you are in the middle of it. Oh but you do feel you are in the middle of it, in a huge pile of steaming crap. If movies like this one find their way to DVD's, its a sad day for horror fans. Some of the sites even had the nerves to say 'wait until they get a bigger budget' (about the directors of this junkpile, dont ask me what their names are since im desperately try to exorcize them from my mind) well, if they do get a bigger budget, what will they release to the innocent horror fan next? that idea alone is Horror.

I rented this abomination 2 days ago, and I still regret it...when reading the description on the back of the dvd, I slightly hoped the movie would be something like 'Joyride' but no, we get this. Oh well, I could rant about this forever.

Now we know what happens when a group of uninspired lame filmmakers can spawn in this world, they have no idea what horror means, and they never will...its not only a lack of originality, its an insult.
Seemily you dont have to have one inch of imagination to get a deformed piece of film like this on dvd..Like I said, its an insult to horrorfans and people who make amateur movies and at least have the passion to do so.


First: It's very independent and low budget, but it's still exciting and crazy. The script is great despite the "poor" acting. It went in directions I never would have guessed. You need to understand that this is very independent (like Blair Witch) and doesn't have the advantage of a higher budget. Even with a sizable budget, movies can still suck, so money shouldn't really be a big factor. Out of all of the "home video" quality films I've seen, this one is by far the best.

Second: Where did you rent it? I've been looking to buy this.

"I've slept in some dumpsters. Maybe I slept on some babies.." - Ruth Stoops


So what are you saying, I'm a bit confused here, first you say that they don't have money, then you say that even if they had money, they wouldn't be able to do it well anyway?? Are you contradicting youself? Being independent and low budget is not an excuse for putting *beep* trash out into the market OK. And why on earth would anyone wanted to buy this movie? "By far the best home video"??!!??--you're probably one of the casts/crews in it right.



IMDB is being ruined by planted critics and posters who have connections to the production.Every bad low budget horror film is "A spectacular achievement", "gripping", blah blah blah...

I love horror flicks, but this one is pure underproduced crap.


I'll second that, orloprat. But have faith: truth will out. There are more of us than of planted critics with connections to the production. It's easy to tell who's who if you have half a brain. What these production-attached critics don't realize is that their phony rave reviews make any *true* positive review posted by someone not connected to the production look bogus. It would be far better if they just left the comments and boards to the viewers. Not doing so shows their great insecurity about letting their work speak for any talent and skills they might have.
