MovieChat Forums > Five Across the Eyes Discussion > this was absolutely great!

this was absolutely great!

"FIVE ACROSS THE EYES" is a great movie, low budget or maybe without a budget, but an absolutely great movie and nice effort by the cast and crew. This is a very well made indie film. The acting was a little decent, i mean the girls acted horrible in some parts but in other scenes the acted pretty good, and remember this girls are not professional actresses, i think they did a decent job, not bad I have seen worst acting than this. The movie is very entertaining and brutal, the killer did a good job too. The film is terrifying and the way the killer terrorizes and torture this girl is really brutal and kind of shocking. And the film was well directed and overall is a very good indie film, very well made. The camera was moving a little in some scenes but i didnt have any problems with it, i could understand what was happening. The ending was very good too, this an example of a very well made indie film. Worth watching, i gave it a 8/10.

what do u want from me!!!



Do u rly respect opinions?? Is a disaster for u but i think it was good and well made! We all have different opinions and different taste buddy deal with it! Example u think that RETURN TO HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL was good i think it was a complete disaster! U see we have differents opinions! And remember this is a very low budget and a very independent film, its not gonna be as perfect as a big budget film! I think they did a very good job for what they had.

what do u want from me!!!


Just seen the first half before the DVD annoyingly went haywire, seemed like a decent low budget shocker.
Granted the girls couldn't act, but the point is it's meant to seem real, not like acting.

And to say people making films should be professionals? I'd suggest you go and watch City of God. No professional actors, and I doubt too many arguments that it's amongst the greatest films ever made.



How is everyone managing to get a hold of this film?

I've been trying to find it for ages



Normal people worry me!!!


Well yeah it does say may 5th on but I heard they're thinking about changing the release date again from a pretty realiable source and that's why I asked cause I'm kinda sick of waiting for this film

But if they stay at may 5th then it's fine


this movie was unwatchable. so bad. so bad. i was waiting for the laugh track but it never came. the horror wasn't there. the terror was absent. there was no suspense. the "villain" is so ridiculous that i long for the killer clowns from outer space for a hint of authenticity.

at one point you just want the mini van to catch fire and for them all to die. those end credits could not have come soon enough.

they totally minimized and gleaned over the parts that would have really spiked this movie up. this type of movie was geared for nudity, but it was weak sauce. the urination torture scene. . . so weak. the hidden van torture scene. weak weak weak.

and then the turn ala death proof when the victims turn on their stalker. . .no satisfaction.

skip this movie and watch blair witch again. it's not scary either. . . but damn.


Looks like it's may 5th after all



I'm so happy that you were able to see this film! I read that you were trying to find it and sent you a note about where I had located it ultimately. I thought the movie was amazing!

I really think, though that it helps to have an understading of the mindset of teenage girls, if you are going to truly be able to understand the strength of what the director is portraying here. It was the naiveté of the girls that made the extreme nature of the crime even more horrifying to watch. If someone is looking for a glossy hollywood horror movie, this is not for them. If they want a really creative scare, this is it.


thanks a lot "IRISHLASS" check ur pm's


I watched this last night and i didn't think it was going to be so graphic! I have to say i don't usually like things that are so graphic ie i like teen horror but i wouldn't watch any of the Saw movies! I have to say that that I did think it was a good movie but thats because all the girls get away in the end so kind of a good ending

D'you think i could be a bird in another life?Notebook

