MovieChat Forums > Five Across the Eyes Discussion > Not the worst movie ever made

Not the worst movie ever made

A lot of people here are calling this the worst movie ever .
I can only imagine such people do not watch many films since there are certainly many many far wirse movies than this especially in this horror /suspense genre.

The acting of the girls in the movie is not bad there are again far far worse examples out there their acting is at least reasonable in this genre.

the movie has something of a unique twist in that the crazy nut killer is also female (thats not a spoiler since that is revealed as soon as the killer turns up.

What is truely awful about this film is the filming, yes I know its low budget but this movie looks like it was filmed on someones cell phone the camera work is all over the place and you never really know whats going on the siund is problomatic as well since half the time you can't hear what they are saying.

its not terrible and its a long way from being the worst movie ever but a low budget is no excuse for camera work that looks like it was controlled by a drunk


The idea of the film is to have a raw atmosphere and that the movie itself felt real. For that they used a cheapo camera. And i think it suited well to the film.



The idea of the film is to have a raw atmosphere and that the movie itself felt real. For that they used a cheapo camera.
Right, the choice to use a cheap camcorder held by a victim of Parkinson's is intentional because, you know, real life looks like that. Couldn't have been due to a shoe-string budget or anything.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


*Spoiler alert*
I actually quite liked this film in the end, or parts of it at any rate, though I agree that it has plenty of faults. Yes the audio was pretty hard to understand at times. It wasn't untill I watched the behind the scenes feature that some bits of the film became clearer, like the screwdriver rape bit - I didn't even realise that happened to her when I was watching the film as it wasn't that clear (I thought she'd been stabbed in the leg with it or something).
I'm glad all the girls lived (as annoying as they were), it makes a nice change. Also it was good that they made a proper job of killing the homicidal maniac at the end. That also makes a nice change. Other horror film characters could take note from this (like the girls in Wolf Creek lol).

'Time destroys all things' - Irreversible


"Five Across the Eyes" doesn’t do anything remarkably well and it also doesn’t do anything supremely bad. It's generic and a good attempt for a first time filmmaker. It’s a good premise that fell apart in its execution.

"Five" is primarily a cinéma vérité-styled movie. We're in the van with the girls through it all, we experience what they experience when they experience - - but when the stuff hits the fan and the girls are being attacked, running for their lives, screaming bloody murder the camera remains in the van pretty static.

I ended up feeling as if I was part of the cast, but that I was to stupid to get up and run for my life.


Oh my God, thank you so much for that! Now I can go watch an absolutely terrible piece of cinematic turd but still know that it's not the worst movie ever made. How awesome! The producers of this movie must be so proud of your logic.

"I want a frisbee made of Mexico."


the movie has something of a unique twist in that the crazy nut killer is also female

Yes, very unique...unless you count the original Friday the 13th which did it 30 years ago, and Bloody Birthday that did it in 1981. Oh, wait, and there's High Tension. And Urban Legend. Natural Born Killers. House of 1,000 Corpses/Devil's Rejects. American Psycho 2. Chainsaw Sally. Happy Birthday to Me. Psycho 2. Oh, and The Bad Seed from back in the 50's.

So yeah, those movies aside it's a very unique twist indeed.


Yes it is the worst movie.

"Listen, do you smell something?"
Ray Stanz-Ghostbusters


That Phelous dude is a big f cking idiot! Not because of his review, he is just not funny its pretty damn ridiculous.


The acting and filming is terrible.


But why replying me?



According to every other post you find on every other movie on IMDB, every other movie made is the worst movie ever made.

I collect dead pigeons then I press them between the pages of a book.


I certainly can't think of a worse film than this. It's so bad it even makes Hillside cannibals look almost watchable.


I wouldn't normally generalise like this......But if you liked this film you are mentally retarded. Sorry.
