It's not that bad

Simple chick flick. Nothing special, but it's not terrible.


I gave it a 5. Oddly, I seem to be in the minority who took issue more with the script writing than anyone's acting in this. Some of the scenes and dialogue are absolutely horrible. I actually felt sorry for Jessica having to deliver that crap. Not to mention the makeup/hair they slapped on her. What the hell??

For anyone who likes her - go watch "Employee of the Month." Not a masterpiece either, but it's a decent enough flick, and Ms. Simpson is actually pretty good in that one...

"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." - Albert Einstein


I don't know, I liked it... I seem to like all her movies... I think her movies are "Fun" movies and I think her personality, in the movies, has a lot to do with it...

Bill Steward
