DVD-English Translation

I've read this story several times between elementary and high school. Is this on DVD. Is there a version with English subtitles?


I fear not. But i think you can find a DVD on French sites (fnac.com for exemple), maybe directly watch the movie on VOD on France 2's website. I'll post again if i find more.


Sorry, Amazon France sells the Region 2 DVD in French but no subtitles. For the same story there is an American film called "Charly" (1968) with Cliff Robertson - again only DVD no Blu-ray on Amazon France.


It's showing on TV5 Monde (see www.tv5.org) in around two hours from the time of this post, and again at a slightly later time in five days. Check with your local cable/pay TV provider to get access to the service.

I don't know whether it has English subtitles, but the majority of films shown on TV5 do.

