Siggy: you're a bad parent

Regardless of this movie, you don't show a 1 1/2 year old Snow white!! Are you nuts? I question to show any kind of tv to a 1 1/2 year old cause I don't think in that age they’re capable of taking it in and understand it, all you do is scare them and put strange images in their head. Parents today is all I say, small small child brains should *not* be exposed to tons of information, that’s the latest research just confirming my common sense I’ve always felt. Why do you feel you actually need to watch a movie with her that she don’t understand? Sit down and read a small child story to her instead, or go for a walk, or paint with her. No tv, no computer. Christ.

As for Niko, made by Finnish, what do you expect, burps and alcohol, ha ha! (I’m Swede so we got plenty of prejudices against Finns(
