MovieChat Forums > Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return (2014) Discussion > Don't you feel bad for the people who wo...

Don't you feel bad for the people who worked on it?

Panned by critics. Ignored by the people. Must be a bit depressing for the animators...


The animators should have done a better job of animating it then. I don't know about anyone else but I have seen tons of commercials for this movie leading up to its release, more so than for Neighbors which won the weekend.


The animators should have done a better job of animating it then.

This is the stupidest comment I've ever read. Okay then, you try doing an hour and a half's worth of animation on a shoestring budget and see how well it turns out


You mean like the movie Planes that came out last year and was made for $20 million less? I didn't see either movie but just based on the trailers, Planes was way better animated than this.

Or how about The Wind Rises which was made for $40 million less?





Considering most of the budget went to the cast and crew?!? No I don't feel sorry for them. This was a wasted opportunity.


Don't you feel bad for the people who worked on it?

Not really. Most animators, even really good ones, work on bad/mediocre projects at least once or twice in their career. If the project is no good you suck it up, do the best you can with it, and move on to the next one. It's nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about at all. It's part of working in the animation industry.
