very NICE, pleasant entertainment.

Yes, the IMDb boards are unfortunately filled with Trolls and other idiotic posters who like to just bash things. This movie has been called a "turd" and a "bomb" and lots of other unflattering terms. But you know what? It isn't bad at all. I actually started to watch it expecting to NOT like it, but it is a DVD from my public library so I figured I'd give it a chance. I enjoyed it very much, the voice acting is good and the songs are appropriate. While I wouldn't rate it among my favorite animated movies, this one is entertaining enough.

Don't trust the Trolls, they exaggerate everything, they either heap unlimited praise, or they trash a movie. There isn't anything in-between with them.

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


My one comment about the film-- Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
