'Breaking News'

http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_bill_dou_080219_breaking_9_2f1 1_news_3a_.htm



Any evidence of this.....

Now we know why it didn’t smell right. It was a lie. The FBI has reported that no such call between Barbara Olsen and Ted Olsen ever took place on 9/11/2001.

It was part of the rapidly unraveling scam that is the official story of 9/11.

In fact, Griffin went on to explain that there is zero evidence that any hijackers had commandeered a plane at all.

alfa3647 -Oh I can read englsh.


If you did the proper Detective work, bullchip breath, you'd know that the FBI claimed in the MOusaoui trials that the Barbara Olsen cell phone call lasted 0 seconds...contrary to what Mr Olsen has claimed (1 or 2 minutes each call).


Yes, But there is a record of it little lady and it has been explained as cell phone tower handoff's at 500mph. The computer billing system was not really designed for that speed.

Proves a call was made does it not, so shall we doubt the call or the billing technology.

and little lady, lets say that call did not go through and the record is correct, not a shocker a call is dumped at that speed.............. BUT..................

http://bp1.blogger.com/_rLV-ZuNPwJ4/Rwz-Ib8-fCI/AAAAAAAAAr8/n-30ErtLxA M/s320/Flight77UnknownCaller.jpg

Who made these 5 unidentified calls, Could they have been Olsen?

God you reach for anything. Cherrypicker. Once again, YOUR CLAIM...


The FBI has reported that no such call between Barbara Olsen and Ted Olsen ever took place on 9/11/2001.

alfa3647 -Oh I can read englsh.
