Best lines

Zeta-Jones episode:
"Hello Mr Douglas, would you like a soapy tit vank?"

This programme is wall-to-wall genius.

"I don't agree with that in the workplace."



Boy George: "You're a gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay"


Take That episode

Rob "That's nice, what's it called?"
Guy "I call it Angels"
Rob "I know ... let's call it Angels"
Guy "Ok then, that's gotta be worth 50% of the royalties"

Also loved the bit where Rob's trying in vain to get a tune out of the piano "This piano doesn't work. Oh well I'll get another one tomorrow"


IKEA! Swedish for Sh*te!


Tom Crusie: "WOOO-HOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"

That's the guy, Adrianna.
My Uncle Tony...the guy I'm going to hell for.

- Christopher, The Sopranos.



"Tom was so happy he went on the Oprah Wimpey show but unfortunately made a complete prick of himself."

Cut to newspaper headline:

"Tom Cruise is a prick"

Armstrong and Bain are the true legends




John Leslie saying "Am the closest thing to pure evil you'll ever meet"

Sorry if that not exact I haven't seen it in a while


Travolta: Do you know what they call bensons in France?

Cruise: No?

Travolta: Bensons!


Practically everything Gianni Versace says in the Elton John episode:
"Fandabidozy, Mister Elton!"

Elton John:
"I'm not gay myself, but I 'ave experimented. By fackin' loads of geezers"

Princess Di:
"F_ck off Sting. Or I'll touch you with the hand I use on the AIDS victims!"

Penelope Cruz after Tom Cruise has explained Scientology to him:
"That's even crazier than my religion. An' I'm a bleedin' Catholic, isnit?"

"Oi'm the Fly! WHEEEEEEEEEE!"

And any bits with Ant and Dec where Dec is really posh.
"It's wrong! Do it again, you TWAT!"


Oh, and any time Sean Pertwee turns up.
"Did you know my dad used to be Doctor Whoooo?"
