MovieChat Forums > American Heiress (2007) Discussion > ~50 episodes == shorter than the previou...

~50 episodes == shorter than the previous telenovels

This show will be airing 2 episodes/week for 6 months time, so it will be a lot shorter than the previous telenovels.

Which is a good thing. Tighter plot & fewer flashbacks/repeats of scenes we've already viewed.


Also, I think it's a mistake for MNT to abandon all scripted shows. The existence of shows like 24, Prison Break, Heroes, Ugly Betty (and Univision's daily lineup) proves that telenovels can work..... they merely need to be better written.

If *I* were in charge of MNT, I would keep the current schedule with a Scripted Telenovel every Tuesday and Wednesday. To turn MNT into the "reality network" will make it equivalent to TrashTV.


The original plan was to keep one telenovela night in the fall. I think Fox gave up hope that the rating were improve.

That Anna Nicole special score about double the ratings of the novelas. That would have put the nail in the coffin anyway, There were at least three unproduced novelas, which might be used elsewhere, but I doubt it.


MY has said they intend to air the entire 65-episode run of both shows. They're already finished and paid for, so there isn't much to lose.

I suspect that the 2-hr blocks may do well over the summer, which could revive the format. Here's hoping.


I don't understand why this telenovela format didn't work. I have watched all of --them so far, and never missed a single episode--and I'm a very busy person with a full life. It was mytime to have something each night to watch that I looked forward too--in order to forget about my already busy life.

Who decides the schedule and why do they think that reality tv is better. I'm so sick of reality tv, it isn't funny. I'm beginning to hate it. And some of them are made up anyway. Especially some of the nanny shows. I really think they tell these kids to misbehave on purpose for the drama! It's very easy to manipulate kids.


Well, MY did a haphazard job with these show. Promotion was lousy, so few even know the show existed. Worse, even fewer understood the format of a limited-run serial.

Also, the shows themselves had serious issues. Instead of doing them as romantic melodrama, which is what novelas are supposed to be, they focused on bitchy, unlikeable female leads (Bo Derek, Morgan Fairchild, etc.). It came off as a stupid, kitchy attempt to recreate "Dynasty." They didn't try hard enough to bring chemistry between the characters or between the characters and the audience.

Then there were annoyances for the few who were watching, at least in the first rotation. Those infernal flashbacks, stupid fashion segments, plus the overused stock footage and segue effects made it hard to watch.

As for the time slot, it shouldn't really matter in the Tivo age. They could have made it easier by rerunning the shows in daytime or late nights. Or they could have run same-day encores on FX. They didn't, so it made taping harder, I personally dug my VCR out of mothballs and set it aside for novelas.

Finally, they are doing reality shows because they understand the format. Making successful novelas proved harder than it looks, so they gave up. And reality requires neither writers nor actors, which makes them cheap.


>>>MY has said they intend to air the entire 65-episode run of both shows<<<

I don't see how? 65 episodes at 2/week would mean running the show until November, but MNT already confirmed September will be the end.

Therefore, they'll probably show the whole Plot, but eliminate flashbacks in order to squeeze it into 50 episodes.


If you take out flashback and the "story" episodes, you can probably make it. With the IFL show crashing and burning now, who knows? They may add two more nights, for all we know.


Oh I hope so! A couple times a week for each series would be a great improvement. I hope this happens. And I also hope they might consider filming the novellas again. After all, they can only get better with experience. They seemed to have worked out some of the problems that happened with the first two--flashbacks and repitition--the next two were much better. I think the two new ones will be even better. They really didn't give it much time! Thanks for the info.


There was a big Associated Press article today that dimmed my hopes:

"It was an attempt to zig when everyone else was zagging," said Greg Meidel, who became My Network TV president in January.

It was hard to get viewers to commit to watching something almost every night, particularly when there is a strong serial drama on the larger networks most nights of the week, he said.

Brad Adgate, an analyst for Horizon Media, said it didn't help that the soaps looked cheap and were populated by faded stars like Morgan Fairchild.


On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, My Network is airing its final two soaps, "American Heiress" and "Saints & Sinners." Each will air as a two-hour movie once a week, instead of the nightly, one-hour telenovela form.

Guys might not like soaps as much as women, but they will like the scantily clad, beautiful women featured, Meidel said.

"There's eye candy for everyone," he said. "You can watch it with the sound off and still enjoy it."

I see that Meidel has no clue about the novelas, nor does he care. His mission was to get rid of them. Too bad. He'll keep running unwatched reality shows until Murdoch pulls the plug.


I don't watch anything else on this chanel accept the telanovelas. I guess I won't be tunning in after the last two are done airing. Too bad.


This new president is obviously an absolute moron and has no idea what he's doing. It takes time and PROMOTION for things take off, and these 2 new telenovelas are the best ones yet. If IFL had only a 0.8 debut rating, the same as the novelas, then it's not the format, it's the lack of promotion and commitment the people have to really pushing a show for any length of time. Moves like this will only hurt the network and cause people to see it for the trash it's becoming, no backing, no support, just throw things on the wall and see what sticks, who cares about the quality of something. Just what the world needs, another reality network. They had a good thing goin', they are just blind to what it takes to see it through.


