MovieChat Forums > Wreckage Discussion > WHAT A CRAP MOVIE!


This movie has little if any story line, No character development, and poor acting. I especially liked the beginning 15 minutes of credits. Also watch out for the drag race in the middle of nowhere when 3 of the cast appear from thin air! I seriously don't know where some IMDB users get their ratings from. On a scale from 1-10 I give this a -1 REALLY!


I was actually wondering where they came from. I had to replay it to see if they were following him in a car. They really came of out nowhere.


I paused it after 3 minutes wondering if I should bother.... How do films like this get financed...? The directing is atrocious.... Someone that clearly cannot make films is doing it.... I'll be puzzled on how films like this get distributed till I'm dead.


I want to see this on principal alone lol. I love Breaking Bad and watched some cast inverviews and Aaron Paul talked about how he in basically a method actor and he only takes important roles and blah blah blah. This movie sounds like a school project by the way people are discussing it.


Actually...The first 3 min look nothing like most of the film...I admit it's still pretty low budget, but the beginning looked like VHS where as the rest at least looked 5x better than the beginning. But yea the car race was hilarious....2 cars racing...1 blows a gasket, then the group of kids show up out of think air as if they were hiding in the trunk... why not just put them in the car??? Made no sense what-so-ever. Aaron Paul is obviously the best actor in the film...I also know the blonde...she's been in many things...Not sure how they ended up in this film....that's the huge 20k question.





I fast forwarded the opening credits at about 5 Times normal speed, They Still took about a minute to finish. Fantastic!


Did anybody live?

The K.I.N.D. club.
Growing at least one more member each day :D


Yeah, that drag race. Didn't know WHAT to expect. One minute it seems like the 4 of them are going on a holiday somewhere, then it cuts to ONE person, yes, ONE person drag racing. Where were the other 3 people? Hiding on the floor in the back seat? Completely confused on that.
Very average acting in the movie. No "Oscars" to win from this flick.
It had some decent "death" scenes though.
Not exactly "Final Destination" death scenes, but still good.
I'd call it a B grade movie.


ill watch tonight and find out if this is really that bad


Its an over-the-top no-budget indie horror, FFS what were you expecting? I'm so tired of seeing this EXACT same thread always posted first on EVERY single horror film. No, actually every indie film period. As soon as a new forum pops up we always get these threads first and foremost no matter how good or bad the movie is.

It makes it hard for people who enjoy low-budget indies to get trustworthy information.

That being said, I agree, this is far from the best movie, but far from the worst either.Its decent enough though if you're a genre fan. It has some* decent, albeit over-the-top acting, decent production costs(it doesn't look like a film school project), and some silly moments.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't run out and pay for it, but if it pops up on cable/on demand and you like slashers then give it a chance if you think its something you may like, but keep in mind its a low budget Grindhouse style film, NOT a Hollywood blockbuster most people expect every movie to be. There are a lot of cliche moments and the movie doesn't take itself seriously at all, but it would be entertaining to watch with friends late at night or on a rainy Sunday afternoon. Its slightly above SyFy movie standards.

I'd say its about a 4.8/10, no way is it a 1/10. Its Average. I have seen much better, but I have also seen much,much worse.


because of your review alone its worth rewatching. i hated the glasses guy trying to be funny

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today


Just reading your post, and I agree that if you are not a fan, it's hard to be objective. I've enjoyed the Grindhouse movies because most of the bad guys lose, the good guys are misunderstood. Slasher movies kill with no objective other than blood. People are victims and I find that unsettling. I was going to give it a 2, but I will refrain, since I can't enjoy it. I do like bad cinema, some movies that they are so bad that they are good, but slashers don't make my list.

she loved poetry and romance, but she hit the glass ceiling at birth


I didnt think it was THAT bad.


hahah OP! You are so right and I agree 100% with everything you said. It's so bad it's funny.


I liked it.


The sudden appearance of the other three characters after that race was great. It was like video game logic. You have several party members but they only appear during cutscenes, and conveniently disappear into your pocket during gameplay. I kept waiting for them to explain where they came from, instead we just get a line about how the other character doesn't even own a car. Instead of explaining this magical appearance, they give us extra information that makes it even more implausible. YEAHHHH

Then there's the intro scene. With that tiny kid shooting that gun with perfect accuracy and zero recoil. The "I have no idea what's going on" look on his face the entire time just makes it even better.

And what is Rick trying to pull in the hospital? The implication is that he's killing her because she knows (even though she thinks it was a dream and everyone is OK with that), but how is he going to explain away the fact that he smothered her to death in her room? And if it was just for fun because he "snapped" why not...kill them both? Kill everyone? He had clearly been trying to portray himself as an innocent so far. Then as soon as they "reveal" his villainy he turns into a moron. The portrayal of Rick is so inconsistent. e.g. He seems to snap because of the accidental shooting...except that he already killed at least one guy the night before. And naturally, his mom and her dealer at the beginning of the film.

I also hated the goofy redneck guy. He was shrill and insufferable.


.except that he already killed at least one guy the night before.

what are you talking about?? The beginning of the movie? That
had nothing to do with the rest of the film. He was not the
person who killed the guy with the brick.
