MovieChat Forums > 13 game sayawng (2006) Discussion > plotholes galore *SPOILERS*

plotholes galore *SPOILERS*

i did like this movie however there were so many things that happened purely by circumstance, how did they plan the challenges around them?
first of all how were there several camera angles of every challange all over the city...not every one had to be in a specified place, so even if there were hidden cameras how would they know where to put them?
how would they know chit would beat charlem bad enough to need to be hospitalized or which hospital he would take him to...finding the old lady in the hospital directly relied on this.
how did they know a whole group of bikers would come down the road exactly after the wire was strung up?
how did they even know there would be a fly in the stair well?
you can find holes in amost every challenge. unless they were making up each challenge as they went along (which again points to how would they know where to put hidden cameras) there were a lot of things that seemed too coincedential.
yea, this movie is a fun way to kill 2 hours, just don't think about it too much.


just some wild speculation , as its obvious the movie doesnt come up with a lot of explanation on this valid subject.
i think there are no mentions of hidden camera's, so some explanation could go into people carrying them.
since they are keeping constant tracking of his every move (cellphone location prob.) they could have had the old lady in a following car.
i cant explain the bikers, and i thought they were not really a relevant part in the story (they didnt pop up in flash backs, neither did the cow as far as i can recall).
the fly, well maybe that was a little improvisation. maybe they just let loose a bunch of flies :D

im not saying these are very valid explanations, its just fun and try to make some sense of these kinda details.


what cow?


another plothole:
the nurse hasnt seen in what exactly room he entered. So WHY police didnt checked every room on this floor and just came directly to 805?

But anyway, movie is good. I want more people to see it before DiMENSiON's remake come out


Some movies set out for detailed reasoning in issues surrounding the main action. This is not one of them. In movies like this sit back and release the urge to find an answer and just ride it out. This is the best way to watch this type.


How do you know she didn't see where he entered the room?
The movie didn't show where the nurse was going


well she ran away downstairs before he entered 805


They planned the challenges around Chit through his father. Chit didn't know the full extent of the game.

Also, I don't think every challenge was planned. If the game was going one way and Chit went the other, the game just tailored to his actions.


did john adams know he was killing his own son?
and just before the credits the "car scene/waking up on the bench" what the hell was that good for ?
just got me confused. i couldnt see well enough if it was john adams. i thought i saw it was a "white" man =P


the whole opening was pointless..kept you waiting for a moment it would be relevant...

and with that many plotholes(all of which you guys have detailed very well) you cant take this film too seriously at all.


The cop came to pick her up. The cop who sorta knows something is happening and wants to unveil the game, but is being directly manipulated.

Don't listen to people who say there are plotholes. This movie is perfect.


liking it is one thing, but perfect? dude it started of thrilling to know whats gonna happen in the end i.e you watched wanting to know more.

I wouldn't mind a cheesy ending where its about learning about life and himself

but the instant you saw the biker scene, WOW, it turned out to be a SAW clone which was just a rip off of the rockstar videogame "MANHUNT"

seriously how can people enjoy this. I mean did you go "wow I didnt' expect his DAD would be a player, then have a smile accross your face as the good guy died?? what are you? a pervert??

also that in there is a plot hole, was the DAD gonna just let himself get knifed? i mean what if his son actually gone through with it? if not he was that desperate to WIN he knifed his own son despite KNOWING his son spared him?? How the hell did he know when was the right time to get up and knife his kid?

In SAW it made sense why you had to do what you did, i.e the driven goal was to SAVE someone.

who the *beep* watches a bunch of BIKERS (which I thought they were a bunch of mopeds/motor scooters and thus can't generate enough speed to cut people to shreds) decides to a)continue the game b)kill a dog c) treat the girl he probably like, like sh*t

More so he had enough money, I think the rules only say you lose the money if you fail a task or if the game stops. If you succeed you can just take the money.

who the hell goes slaughtering cows in the night??

why would his dad be THAT desperate for money and knife his own son so easily? didn't he have a family (I admit I missed the intro abit) but not the first challenge.



Just saw the movie last night, and I don't disagree with the notion there are plot holes in the movie, but I don't think it's quite as bad as you've laid out.

Camera angles could certainly come from some hidden cameras, but I'd assume most were from mobile cameras. The game organizers were certainly well-connected. Perhaps they could link into city surveillance and/or traffic cameras. Hard to do? Sure, but other movies have used the premise before. Mobile cameras would simply be on people charged with following game "players" around - that part wouldn't be hard at all in mostly public places.

With regards to the hospital, I'd say that was put together by the game organizers last minute. Once the hero says to the taxi driver they're taking the boyfriend to the hospital, it would be simple logic they're going to take him to the closest hospital. With a team already hired whose job in the game is to prepare future challenges, it stands to reason they high tailed it to the hospital to get things ready.

The lady would be wheeled in later. The cops chasing the hero around would actually have given them extra time to lay things out. (I'm in agreement, though, with the person questioning how the cops knew which room to target, but that is a minor plot could have easily been they showed the cops going door to door and it really wouldn't have changed anything.)

The bikers and the clothesline - who said the game organizers did know the bikers were coming? It could have been literally anyone! At the right speed, a cable could cut through the front part of a car and still killed someone. Best case scenario - it would have severely damaged the car and gave the hero something to answer for.

The fly issue could easily have been a challenge made up on...well...the fly! It was, after all, as basic a challenge as you can have. Since the hero's office was where the game was going to originate, it would make sense they had it well-scouted and well-covered regarding cameras.

I'm not discrediting the fact there are plot holes, or at best major stretches, but I think the film deserves a lot more leeway than you're giving it.


the biers could have traveled the s time nightly...thats how they knewame way the same



I think that the ending (with his father killing him) fills in how they knew so much about him, which was a really nice ending.

I think that in every step of the game there are either witnesses (or they are "viewers") or places a camera can be placed.

I think that you can make an excuse for any sort of occurence that is coincidental. for instance, people are creatures of habit, so the bikers could always be taking that route, and that one biker who had the samurai sword could always be carrying that around. He could have been told to carry it, or he could have even been given it.

Remember in the end that the mastermind (or whatever he is) of this game says that there are many other games. What if people are playing other games that relate to this game?

Maybe if you sat down with the writers and director, they would say "OK, we didn't think that out correctly" or maybe they can explain it away.

I think this film did a better job of having an omniscient overseer than something like Eagle Eye. Saw is even more ridiculous, because the creator of the traps is not even alive!


I agree that there are plot holes everywhere, but in defense of the movie, i think the fact that they started off knowing a lot about who he was, where he was, there was a fly in the room, just sort of creeped the audience out enough for us to just accept that we were dealing with some sort of omniscient organizer, almost sort of magical. It logically doesn't make sense, but it's all sort of okay because our mind can only imagine what goes on with the omniscient. It's hard to say how the number appeared in the man in the well's pocket, or the random guy from the bus's pocket, so it's all sort of strange. It's more like an Asian horror film than anything else, except there isn't as much supernatural activity.


A minor sticking point for me was that they only way he could win any money was if he completed all 13 tasks. Putting some money into his account after every task was pointless since it would be taken back out again if he messed up at all. An incentive maybe but ultimately pointless.


No, it just made the offer much more tantalizing. you saw his face when he saw his bank account. it was just another way of showing the power they held.


The answer is that god is hosting the game, laughing at the greed and bloodthirst of humanity. Simple. How didn't none of you figure this out? First thing when I saw the fly was instantly thinking about Bulgakov's "Master and Margarita".
