What a douche!

Does anyone not realize that a guy with a heavy camera and w/o the use of both arms is running around following this douche, half the time doing the same things he is?
How *beep* retarded are people supposed to be? He's never alone there's at least a one person camera crew following him around at all times. 'I have to do this right.... if I hurt myself helps miles away!!!' Or alternatively the guy standing 10 feet away will signal to the helicopter to airlift your ass out the second you stub a toe.
This show is almost on level of stupidity as Mantracker. ' Ok, lets slowly sneak over here, crawl over on our hands and knees....Hey camera guy you want to get down and stop giving away our position? Oh hey, wait, there goes mantrackers camera man he must be up ahead it's all good.'

I tow the line. I lead the way. I am god's mighty fist. I am the Spectre.


Omg I know right. I mean the cameraman has a safety harnass on the entire time and safety ropes, etc. but he's still doing practically the same stuff. Yeah he might not eat bear sh!t or drink his own piss, but he has to lug the camera around. Bear is usually the first one to jump off the edge of something into water and gives the all clear to the cameraman that he's not going to die, but the cameraman still has to jump too. Bear Grylls gets to say tons of awesome things on camera like "chilly perkins" and "slippy" and the cameraman has to stay quiet the whole time. So not fair!

What a total douche.


You\re so absolutely right! I mean of course the shows insurance is going to let him do stuff without the entire thing being being checked over to make sure it's safe because lord knows you can film without insurance. And hey, everyone knows everything that happens on reality tv is 100% unscripted, he just goes and does this stuff on the fly of course.
Did you know everything on the internet is real too????

I tow the line. I lead the way. I am god's mighty fist. I am the Spectre.


I had no idea! I'm glad were on the same page. Some people are such idiots and its nice to know there's at least one person out there who isn't.


what i dont get is when Bear is going through all this trouble and acting like hes in a near death situation climbing down a ledge or something..and the camera guy is right next to him filming..oh well. that just takes away a little bit of the excitement from everything else he does.

awesome show none the less.

Dictionary.com ppl


Has no one watched the behind-the-scenes episode?


I think you're misunderstood what Bear is trying to get across. The show has a message before it starts, clarifying that Bear is followed and at times helped by his camera crew. What many don't seem to understand, is the fact that Man vs Wild is a survival/How to guide. It isn't a reality television show, no one is risking their life just for entertainment.

Also, isn't the camera man doing the same thing hes doing enough proof that it works? People complain that what he does it either too dangerous or not fool proof. If a camera man can do it anyone can do it. But again, it isn't a show about stranding yourself in a secluded island to fend for yourself and watch as the host of the show either nearly makes it or dies trying. This is the very same reason Les Stroud stopped doing his show. Its tasking to do EVERYHING by yourself, my hat goes off to him.

Lastly, Mantracker teaches the audience nothing, it is the prime example of reality TV. A show made for people who just want to see this pseudo running man series that isn't informative but "fun" to watch. Theres a major difference between, survival and running to the end of the finish line. You either need to see more episodes of Man vs Wild, or do some research.

Calling a guy who climbed Mt Everest in his 20's, and was in the SAS a douche, sounds like sour grapes to me.

"One gay beer for my friend, because he's gay, and one normal beer for me, because I'm normal."


ok... 1 thing.... DUMBASS


Directors and producers made the call for this decision.

Assuming Direct Control


OP you are the biggest douche around. OK lets use your idea LETS MAKE A FU#%ING SHOW WITHOUT CAMERAS!!! YAAAA lets have him capture his experience with his mind we then use cables and attach them to his brain and transfer his experience to a media device.


Another obvious thing is research YAAAA THEY DO RESEARCH on the location and they scout best locations to cover to make it more entertaining and educational I mean isn't that the point of any F%^ING SHOW to be entertaining.

And if he does hurt himself HELP IS MILES AWAY U NUMB NUTS, dude cuts a major artery ohhh yaaaaa lets operate in the jungle, dude gets a seizure ohhhh yaaaaaa lets stabilize him with are equipment in the middle of the ocean!!!, dude gets a hart attach oh yaaaa lets zap the fool with are defibrillator while he is hanging off a cliff.

If any serious injury were to happen you can have 30 helicopters on standby your a$$ is still gonna die before you get to the hospital.

Also some idiot said

I had no idea! I'm glad were on the same page. Some people are such idiots and its nice to know there's at least one person out there who isn't.

No S$%T Sherlock how do you think those images end up on your TV magic? THROUGH A FING CAMERA!!! Its this magical device that captures images at variable rate, you have the internet just type in camera and you will find all sorts of cool and magical stuff about this device.


Also some idiot said

I had no idea! I'm glad were on the same page. Some people are such idiots and its nice to know there's at least one person out there who isn't.

No S$%T Sherlock how do you think those images end up on your TV magic? THROUGH A FING CAMERA!!! Its this magical device that captures images at variable rate, you have the internet just type in camera and you will find all sorts of cool and magical stuff about this device.

Yikes! That was sarcasm. All of my posts for this thread are sarcastic. Thought it was pretty obvious...... guess not.......

However, I like the rest of your post.


I thought it was pretty clear ;)

First off: yes, I know a lot of this is staged and Bear obviously isn't alone. But,...

To those who think Bear's a sissy simply because the cam man is following him around and doing the same things as he is, you're wrong.
Take into consideration that we probably aren't talking about some fat camera man who does it all without busting a sweat, but rather someone or even several camera men who each can either dive/ climb/ sky dive etc. and get used for specific situations.
Also, I highly doubt that the cam man is swimming in -2°C buck naked in ice cold water in Alaska alongside Bear. The Cam Crew is wearing pro diving gear or secured by ropes etc. whenever Bear is climbing down a waterfall!

BTW, for all the smart a$ses out there. Water can get below freezing temps without turning into ice in salt water ;)


You are correct in everything you said, I could not agree more.
