Sammo Hung as Zhang Fei

that is the most perfect casting of a character in cinematic history



sammo is a good fit to play zhang fei or guan yu. i certainly think he has the belly for it. one aspect of it that you have to remember is that his fans will watch the movie for him. and, it's not like sammo cannot fight.

definitely concur with your latter point. zhuge liang being one of my favorite characters ... i think tony leung chiu wai is the perfect fit for it.

but, i still don't see how they could do a three kingdoms movie ... with the time constraint factored in.


I think both are perfect castings. Tony has the acting ability and charisma to play Zhu Ge Liang; and Sammo has the martial arts ability, size and presence to play Zhang Fei.

It's good that they've used senior actors in the major roles of this film. It would have been an insult to the novel had younger/less experienced actors assumed the roles.


I'm dying in anticipation to see how he portrays Zhang Fei's role at Chang Ban!
I expect nothing less than a perfect performance by Andy Lau! Great cast thus far.. what about Liu Bei? Guan Yu? Cao Cao?

here's some fillers(wish list):
Donnie Yen(Zhang Liao)
Daoming Chen(Cao Cao)
Tony Leung Chiu Wai(Zhuge Liang)
Takeshi Kaneshiro(Ga Ning)


To me, the actor that played Cao Cao in the 1995 Chinese TV series was the best casting. As for Sammo Hung as Zhang conjures up images of his days working with Jackie Chan too much.


Compared to... What? Dynasty Warriors?

I think Sammo is perfect casting, watch Sha Po Lang to see how intimidating he can be.


No. Actually, according to some Chinese articles, he's playing Luo Pingan, the fiction character/good friend of Zhao Yun.
