John Lennon in one word...

How would you describe John Lennon in one word and why?


1/4. One quarter of the best band that will ever be.



[too obvious?]





"What's truth got to do with it?"
"What's truth got to do with anything?"


Enigma. It may not be completely true, but I have always been confused about John and his personality. He was a artist, but had one of the most infamous fueds with another artist, fellow Beatle Paul. He sung about love, but felt like he had to marry Cynthia.
While deceased is correct, I feel forced to say that is terribly disrepectful and you should feel ashamed. It's bad enough Yoko is milking John's name with neckties and cards, as fans we should at least respect him enough not to say such a sick thing.

The Doctor: What a wonderful butler, he's so violent!



You've got people on the "Chapter 27" forum praising Chapman and expressing their approval of his actions, and you're coming down on me for stating a fact?

"What's truth got to do with it?"
"What's truth got to do with anything?"


All I meant was that saying deceased was a bit rude. As for "praising" Chapman I know nothing of that. In another post I defended him being called "a monster" but in no way was/or will I "praise" him for his actions. As for other posters who do "praise" Chapman, obviously they should seek help immediatley.

The Doctor: What a wonderful butler, he's so violent!






I can't believe some people can truly call him a phony, especially for all the good things he tried to do...he was a musical genius!



lol how was he a phony you dumbass?

I'd have to say "complex" because he isn't a simple character - which is true of many people. He did a lot of bad stuff, but I think it was because of internal pain, more than most people in the world have to experience. Separated from his parents etc.. Things like that really affects people. And at the same time as being bad, he was also very great. My guess is that without the trauma, he wouldn't have had so much of a bad streak, but his greatness might not have been so strong.


My dad died when I was 12 and my mom died when I was 14 so don't give me that "seperated from the parents" dribble.


This may be difficult for you to comprehend but not everybody on earth is a big obsessed Beatles fan.

Deceased. He's not alive. He died in 1980. So yes. He is dead. It's just a dispassionate statement of fact. I'm sorry you're too sensitive to get that without whining about your emotional fandom. Would it have been more accurate or made you feel better if the poster to have said Alive? You liked/like his music. Okay. Lots of people did/do. We get it. Doesn't change the fact he died. How is it "rude" to state that? I don't get what your problem is and why you are so unnecesarily reactive.




Because he's been dead for almost 28 years.

Get over it. John Lennon wasn't the Messiah. He was an over-indulgent rock star who was a has-been by 1980. Deal with it fanboys.


I know this hasn't been revisited since April, but it doesn't seem right to have a scumbag like Scaz65 have the last word. Scaz, you're the worst kind of troll, even though you aren't likely to return to read this, I'm sure you're aware of that, already, and the only reason you make such posts, is as simple as "misery loves company".

I can't think of a better term, for all I know about Lennon, than "complex", which was already said. This post is ultimately useless, but, as I said, this thread shouldn't die with a trashy post, from a trashy person.


Now I have the final word! Muhahahhaahah!

For the record, let it be known that cheese toast kicks ass.

I will forever remain the former wrestling fan with a wrestling-related name on IMDb.


The guy was a human being. People can be such *beep*




Beautiful. Because he was.

Witty closing remarks have been replaced by massive head trauma and severe hemorrhaging.



