MovieChat Forums > All About Steve (2009) Discussion > Sandra's Charactor was supposed to be lo...

Sandra's Charactor was supposed to be loony

Without her mental condition in the film, the film wouldn't have worked. Sandra Bullock took a big risk with this role and did a fantastic job of playing a mentally unstable woman trying to find love.

Fans of films such as "Year of the Dog" with Molly Shannon will love this film. I compare the two films because Year of the Dog is also about a mentally unstable woman looking for love.

The reason this film didn't garner critical and public acclaim is that too many people demand that characters with mental problems have to be balls-out psychopaths; that isn't the way it is in real life though.

In All About Steve, a neurotic personality was played for laughs - not in an extreme way like The Farrely Brothers would have done, and not in a weird, thought-provoking way like Charlie Kaufman would have done, but rather in an unique way where the oddball story slowly exposes the many eccentricities of the characters, especially those of the character played by the beloved Ms. Bullock.

"Its nothing personal when bombs explode" - Chuck Palahnuik


The problem Mary has serial killer tendencies! People have no sympathy for stalkers or date rapers!
