MovieChat Forums > All About Steve (2009) Discussion > Seriously, what exactly is wrong with he...

Seriously, what exactly is wrong with her?

Did Mary have some kind of mental issues?


Please see my Topic.
I believe you may have your answer.


NO! She is just a bit eccentric. There are plenty of eccentric people whom, I suppose, you could call socially deviant, but mentally they are normal, or, as was the case with Mary Horowitz, very intelligent.


mark, agreed! :) i love eccentricities in people.


She is definitely Autistic. There is no way that she is normal.


A better description would be mild Asperger's, which while now considered to be an "autism spectrum" disorder, is not autism as most people think of it.


do you even know anyone who is autistic? some people are just born hyper. i know i was. if anything, perhaps she had a.d.h.d., but that in no way makes her autistic or even abnormal. there seems to be a disorder for almost anything mildly seen as different or 'abnormal' these days. our society has grown too medicated. what exactly is 'not normal' or 'normal' anyway?
then you have people that only appear hyper around others, as it is a nervous reaction.
the character she plays is known to be introverted, via comments made by herself & her boss. she virtually had no social life, lived with her parents, and had a pet hamster. she wasn't promiscuous, she wasn't a partier. she immersed herself in work & her family.
to me, that would make her more normal than most people i know. the comments on this board are so disappointing, even disheartening. this is one of the many problems wrong with our society & their intolerance to people that fit outside of the box. if it were not for the 'abnormal', society most likely would not advance. google anyone who has created or founded something we use prominently today. these people have drastically changed our society for the better. today (& then) these people would be considered abnormal as well.
embrace other people & their differences & stop being so judgmental. & that is not only directed at you, but everyone on this board bagging the mary horiwitzes of the world.
with that said, obviously, i found her character absolutely charming, interesting, sweet, & humble. i found many 'normal' things about her character in this, but maybe because i am a mary horiwitz myself, and have met many people throughout my life that just didn't seem to get me. to be honest, i am a little glad not everyone gets me. it has surely made my life more interesting, and i wouldn't want to be a sheep, rather forming my own opinions.



She doesn't recognize/understand social boundaries or nonverbal cues.
