MovieChat Forums > All About Steve (2009) Discussion > Would you say people are more closed-min...

Would you say people are more closed-minded and judgemental these days?

Now I know that certain people are truly dangerous and sociopathic but would you say that people too often tend to welcome people who seem "just like them" and they tend to write off people who act different? With that mode of thinking do you think people are slower to take time to get to know people who seem more unusual? I've come to discover that we're all really unusual in one way or another.


I agree. Sandra Bullock made a statement in the DVD commentary to the effect that 'normal' is not all it's cracked up to be. So people should be more accepting that everyone has value and should be appreciated for that.


Yes and yes. I view the world differently than most people, and honestly I don't click with anyone. Maybe I'm weird, but I'd rather be weird than be exactly like everyone else. I'm a university student and everyone here is exactly the same. All they ever care about are parties and drinking and who's the most popular or most attractive or the coolest. It's all so superficial and pretentious, and because I'm not into that any of that stuff, I never have anyone to talk to. I just watch these people being exactly like one another. So I'd say that yes, people are narrow-minded and judgemental, because it's easier to fall in with people who are similar to you, especially since most people in the world are similar. Most wouldn't even bother to try and know those who are different; they just stick with their own. It's just the way it is. But people with unique views have changed the world before; it's what I love about movies. The best movies usually come from someone with a completely unique point of view. So, there's hope for outsiders.

I like your last line, "I've come to discover that we're all really unusual in one way or another." If only people would realise it and stop trying to be like one another, and stop excluding those who are different, then maybe the world would be a nicer place to live in.

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