MovieChat Forums > All About Steve (2009) Discussion > its about embracing being different, tha...

its about embracing being different, thats why i love it!

I liked this movie.

i think it doesnt speak to the mainstream. Its not really a rom com as such, i think its a movie for those who arent mainstream themselves, it speaks to their differences and tells them 'dont change. Not ever. for anyone' that is what i love about it.

if your the kind of person that feels constantly that you just dont quite fit in and that people take your little eccentrcities as annoyances and go so far as to tell you to change who you are (which when thought about is an awful thing to say 'why cant you be normal'), then this is a film to be embraced.

I think wrapping it up as a romcom was the mistake and that is why there was such a negative backlash to it. But if you can watch it and not think about the romcom, it can be quite life affirming (mock me if you will).

I truly loved it.



i totally thought it was a romantic comedy at the beginning, until towards the end. Great movie i enjoy watching it!!


Okay, I see your point but I just can't agree with you.

Embreacing being different is fine and accually a quite good message; but Sandra Bullock's character in this movie wasn't just different, she was *beep* psychotic.

Embracing being different = Fine.
Accepting psycho stalker bitches = Not as fine.

Let there be light.


I don't think she was psychotic. A tad compulsive - obsessive, even - with the best intentions. I kept thinking she just needed Steve to tell her something in language SHE could understand. She thought in terms of multiple meanings to words and he, not being a cruciverbalist with a hyperactive mind, only had one dimension to his choice of vocabulary.


nope. she's as mad as a cut snake.

though we can like her. looks cute, dresses like a hooker, kind of a nympho and is always prepared for rain.

the difference at this point is we haven't seen her do any harm to herself or anyone else. the next obsessive stalking episode may not end so well.

"Woo-Hoo, Silent Bob's dead, long live me, Internet Guy!"
