MovieChat Forums > Sanctum (2011) Discussion > why did the girl cut the rope? was that ...

why did the girl cut the rope? was that boiling water?

I am confused as to why she cut the rope. Also is this based on a real life event?


Do you mean the part her hair got caught? As I remember, she cut it because her hair was caught up in that iron thing, it was tearing her skull, so she cut it and fell to her death by breaking her spine. There was no boiling water.


Spoiler Alert:

from the beginning of the movie her character is a total bitch, trying to come on a massive cave dive just as a date with her rich boyfriend who paid for the team to be there. then she acts like a total bitch about everything, she also tries to instigate trouble between her bf and the dive leader when he tells the guy to stay out of him and his son's conversation she says basically "wow, you gonna let him talk to you like that since you pay him for doing this?" then as soon as she refused to take the wetsuit off the dead woman right from the beginning set of problems, so its a pretty viable thing that happens to her imo. She risks others lives in a place she is unqualified too be in and refuses to follow the rules of survival given by the 1 person who is in charge and knows them better than anyone. she is constantly saved by others sacrifices, and slows down or completely blocks the way for others and causes them to have to die basically.

and then at the end for her she is infact having her hair ripped off of her skull and its pulling her skin and hair right off her skull so this is intensely painful and she wants it to end , and so she destroys everyone elses chances of being able to climb across by cutting the rope basically to sum up she is a well deserved "most gory death" of the movie. Her character is hard to like or sympathize for. What was to like about the situation? I wouldnt of wanted to wear the dead girls suit either but if the guy told me it was the only way i would of been quickly ready to put it on.


[More spoilers ahead...]

I didn't find the character as obnoxious as the_unknown_one1984 did.

The three who arrive by helicopter represent three different "wrong" attitudes to cave diving (from Frank's point of view). Carl is the playboy who is drawn to it as a bit of casual fun, Josh hates it because it's his father's obsession, and Victoria is probably closest to the typical neutral, outsider view, which is that people like Frank are would-be Indiana Jones characters and a bit too full of themselves to be taken seriously.

She dies because she didn't bend enough from that point of view to trust Frank's expertise when a crisis arose. Most of her reactions and mistakes are the same things that any of us would do in the circumstances. Josh survived because he comes to trust his father. Carl was easily the worst of the bunch, becoming homicidal towards the other survivors.

Also, it's not true that she "destroys everyone elses chances of being able to climb across by cutting the rope". The rope she cuts (accidentally, when trying to free her hair) is the one that is lowering her onto the ledge, not the one across the hole. She's the last one down (as intended by Frank), so her screw-up does not prevent the others proceeding across the hole.



Hama cheez ba-Beer behtar meshawad!


How do you know she broke her spine? I never understood that death.
It looked like she fell about 3 metres into some raging water, and got sucked under,even though the water was bubbling up, seemed like a lame death to me


That cauldron was referred to by Roxburgh's leader character as a "meat grinder". Almost certainly those were coverging water flows over some pretty nasty terrain inches below the surface. Whether she had her back broken or was perhaps lacerated to death is unclear, but what was clear is that nobody considered climbing down to the pool, wading across it, and climbing up the other side. It was a death trap.


Even if it wasn't rocky underneath, she likely would have drowned. The meat-grinder type of things in water are typically called holes (at least by kayakers/etc), and some of them can be very, very difficult to get out of if you were to fall in, because no matter which way you go, the water is always pushing you back to the middle and down


It's pretty obvious that she broke her spine; as she stopped suddenly when the rope when taught. As she was lying horizontal to the water, the force of the sudden stop would've been enough to snap her spine (paralyzing her but probably not actually killing her)


You're right, she did snap her spine in the fall. I'm thinking people are confused because they're only thinking about her hitting the water. That's not when she broker her back. It was when she fell and got caught on the cam. Her climbing harness is what snapped her spine.


Boiling water? Huh? There was no talk of volcanism


She accidentally cut the rope, she was trying to cut her hair to free herself and accidentally cut the rope instead

Nope water wasn't boiling, it was the currents forming a maelstrom

It's inspired by someone involved in the film (script writer I think) getting trapped in a cave with other people (no one died if I recall correctly)
