MovieChat Forums > Ji jie hao (2007) Discussion > Absolutely great movie :)

Absolutely great movie :)

Just finished watching it, and I have to say it's one of the best war movies i've seen. With war movie i mean WWI and WWII, and I guess this is close enough to be called a WWII movie since it takes place just a few years later and they use pretty much the same weapons.

Anyway, back to the point, it's great to see more and more war movies coming from Asia. This one had plenty of action, and some of the best battle-scenes i've seen. Where the japanese war movies like Yamato and For Those we Love focuses WAY too much on the storytelling, which makes them ultra-slow, this one was much more fast-paced. Let's hope the next japanese WW II movie is a bit more like this.

I personally liked that all the action happened at first, and not at the end. That made u pay attention immediately, and not doze off or lose the thread early on which u often do when there's no action. But by the time it slowed down in this movie, u knew the characters, and it felt alot more interesting to see what happened with Gu and the rest.

Top-notch movie, and probably the best mainland-china movie i've seen!


Well la di da, some people actually have the attention span of an adult and can handle larger passages without action and *gasp* storytelling. I don't think movies need to move even more in the direction action in favor of good storytelling, that's what hollywood is for.


I like this film a lot but I also like Yamato. But it is good that more war films are coming from Asia.


Whats Yamato about?


lol, what do you think? ;-)

It's about this little chunk of metal:



Amazing ! A masterpiece !


I just watched it yesterday. Great movie making in every technical respect, with a solid script to support it. HOWEVER, there was more of a hint of propaganda, subtly inserted, agreed, subtly enough for most non-chinese audiences to miss. I got at some point the feeling that i was being lectured that, the State will take care of everything, of everyone's problems if we are just patient. Just be patient, be a good citizen, throw as much self-sacrifice in, and in the end, even though there may be a minority of wrong or arrogant individuals within the state, the state will find a solution for you. Or something like that anyway...


The State didn't find him his men, luck did.

There were two scenes in the movie that associated with propaganda.
1)When one of the soilders the machine gunner said 'Praying won't work for you, you've killed too many people', and the machine gunner said 'the people I've killed are counter-revolutionaries'
2)When the sniper and the demolition specialist were crawling through the field looking for a watch, the demolition specialist told a story about his childhood and the abuses he received from his landlord.

Now if you do not know anything about Chinese history, let me tell you that before the PRC, majority of the population were similar to slaves and a small percentage of people (the landlords) were rich. They lived on the land of the landlords and worked for them, the money they've earned from harvesting crops they've pretty much had to give all of it to the landlord. Sometimes, it was not even enough for daily necessities. Now the CPC came along and took over China, and distributing the land to the poor people. It was a big step in Chinese history where landlords are no more.

To me, this big step is similar to the ending of apartheid or black slavery in North America. If you think something this important does not deserve to be mentioned in the film, then I can tell you that you are brainwashed by Western Media. They will you tell CPC is evil, etc. But really? Freeing the poor from their masters is evil? OK!

No, you're not ignorant and stupid. You just have selective amnesia and wear a douche bag as a hat.


Oh my god you are a moron.


The previous poster was right (and not a moron). The CPC did gain a lot of popular support in the countryside back then for their land reform policies.
Although the CPC today has many problems, the Western media in general does a poor job covering China. The coverage tends to be overly simplistic and negative, and some of the coverage may be partly motivated by domestic political considerations in Western countries (e.g. playing up the threat of Chinese cyber-attacks to get certain agencies more funding).
There are also quite a few common misconceptions about China. Perhaps many on this message board will be surprised to learn that the vast majority Chinese support the political status quo (i.e. slow political reform). No... this is not all because of the Communist propaganda and state controlled media. Rather, it comes mostly from a few decades of rapid economic growth (and therefore rapid increases in living standards), and a growing confidence and sense of pride that the country is headed in the right direction (economically and otherwise).


the facts are true. it's his opinion on the facts that makes him a moron, same as you.

as bad as they still are, the ccp actually has far less problems today than they used to. the land reform period was easily the darkest page in the history of communist china. millions of people were tortured to death simply because they own land. this is nothing like the american civil war, which was a war fought by soldiers. the millions who died in land reform however were civilians, tortured and murdered by other civilians that they personally knew and were familiar with. is it not easy to see how this is different from a civil war?

while this was already extremely inhumane at fist glance, it had even more dreadful long term effects. most young people in china now believe the cultural revolution to be the worst time. but the hellish chaos during cultural revolution was merely an aftermath of the land reform. the generation that survived the land reform period were accustomed to literally having blood on their own hands instead of leaving the dirty deeds to state apparatus. when the ccp put these people through another social movement, is it surprising that it quickly escalated into an anarchic bloodbath?

china used to be the most civilized country in the world for many centuries. and in just a few decades under the ccp's control, the population now has devolved into largely apathetic and violent savages, who single mindedly pursue personal profit, which is why the ccp can get away with pretty much anything as long as the economy keeps growing. is it too hard to see the connection between this "status quo" and ccp's previously inciting millions of civilians to kill each other?

most elderly people in china who were alive at the time would agree with me if you ever have the opportunity to ask one in person. you two are the ones being brainwashed here. but don't worry. that kind of brainwashing in your schools may stop very soon. your new president xi is actually working very hard on reviving the landlord class, along with the whole feudal social-economical structure and a confucian value system. if he's not overthrown by 2020, there should be some significant progress. because guess what? the ccp power core has become the fattest landlord ever themselves. and now facing a slower economy they are at high risk of losing control of the "status quo". wouldn't wanna taste their own medicine, don't you think?

