MovieChat Forums > Shuttle (2009) Discussion > I Honestly Didn't Find It THAT Bad

I Honestly Didn't Find It THAT Bad

I mean it was alright but I didn't find it as bad as most are saying. Everyone says how the characters are so stupid, but can you think of a slasher flick where the characters aren't dumb up until the last 5 minutes of the film? And it's the first film I've seen dealing with white slavery . . . And I've heard stories years ago about this happening but it actually had never been proven. I thought it was pretty entertaining and some scenes even made my kneels feel weak. It definitely wasn't a BAD movie but it wasn't great, and I would just barely even call it good, a little above fair on my scale. The ending I wasn't to crazy about though.

"Take A Glorious Bite of The Whole World..." --Snow Patrol


I agree. It's nowhere near as bad as the majority of people on this board are making it out to be. Actually, I found the number of stupid things the main characters did considerably less than many horror films I've seen recently.

I found it annoying when Mel had the opportunity to shoot the driver but didn't, but I also felt they'd established her character enough by that point that I understood *why* she didn't. She was an extremely caring and nurturing person, as evidenced by her work with deaf children and the amount of concern she showed for Jules and the other people on the shuttle. I can see why she would have a lot of difficulty hurting another person (no matter how much he deserved it).

This movie wasn't "The Shining", but it wasn't "Boogeyman", either. It was a decent little slasher flick with a few original points and pretty solid acting. Lighten up on it, guys!


hey wait a minute guys...we can't have a measured logical response on the IMDB boards it has to be BEST FILM EVAAA! or WORST FILM EVAAA!

Eric C 4 Prez


Lol. Good point, Jeff. I don't know *what* we were thinking!



I didn't think it was that bad either. SPOILERS.....Some things made you WTF like the fact that the girl at the end basically kicked the man's azz, shot him in the head and he was still able to put her in the box. Whatever. But I enjoyed it and it made me wonder if things like this really happen? I'm sure they do but does it happen often in the US, I know it does overseas.

I disapprove of what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it -Voltaire


Whatever. But I enjoyed it and it made me wonder if things like this really happen? I'm sure they do but does it happen often in the US, I know it does overseas.

Wow! I wonder what part of the country you're in. Fargo, ND? Do you ever watch the news about how much coverage a missing person gets? That girl that went missing in Aruba. Scott Peterson's pregnant wife. etc. The guy in the movie claims he's been doing this for 5 yrs. How can 4 kids not have any family looking for them or those other girls that were kidnapped and get away with it? Not in this day and age with all this technology.
In the real world, those kids will be reported missing and will be all over the news the next day! This do happen but mostly victims are runaways or homeless kids.

"All wanted was a Pepsi. Just one Pepsi. And she won't give it to me!"


IMO, this movie was THAT bad.

If you want to see a decent movie dealing with this same topic, see 'Taken' starring Liam Neeson

---It's such a shame our friendship had to end. Purple Rain. Purple Rain---
