MovieChat Forums > Shuttle (2009) Discussion > Terrible Movie, I advise to pass on it w...

Terrible Movie, I advise to pass on it when given the choice

Really, I would recommend not to bother. What I love about Netflix "watch instantly" is that it gets me to watch movies normally I wouldn't watch. What I hate about Netflix "watch instantly" is that it get me to watch movies I shouldn't have bothered watching in the first place.

Now, I have sort of a personal creed where I will never not finish a film, because I feel you can't pass judgment until you have seen the finished product. So when 40 minutes into the film I switched off my tv in a rage, i was rather disappointed with myself. (The SECOND she did not shoot the guy when she got the gun I was done.)

But then I came on here and saw some positive comments and thought "No..I'll give it another go. It's only fair!"

So to those who enjoyed the film, do me a favor and explain what the point of it was. I cannot figure out, for the life of me, why one should watch this movie. It isn't a horror movie, so you don't get any cheap thrills. It isn't a thriller since the plot doesn't go anywhere beyond the random and unlikely kidnapping-for-pay plot. It sure as hell isn't a comment on the scary side of human trafficking. So what?

The film starts from no where and goes no where. The dialog is painful to the point where you can't even derive enjoyment out of laughing at it. The characters are utterly useless to do anything to help themselves or one another.

I feel like I am just being too close minded. So someone help me out here. Why did you like this?


You're absolutley right I'm afraid. It's a miserable pile of pointless trash. Felt about three hours long and sitting through it till the end was a wretched experience. I can't really comprehend why or how anyone would actually like it.


Once she didn't beat the guy to death with the lighting equipment (or poked out his eyes or anything) and just ran before she was sure he was dead, I started fast-forwarding. And then she just happens to get shoved in the exact box he wants her in? Ugh. I don't mind bleak endings, but I couldn't stand it.


could not agree more with you guys. The only salvation for me was admirable acting despite a mind boggling stupid narrative. I could not care less for the characters and could not wait for them all to die, except the driver, I really liked that guy.


He was awesome in Medium too, playing another psycho. :-)


(The SECOND she did not shoot the guy when she got the gun I was done.)

You too, huh? I can never take a movie like this seriously when the main character gets the upper hand on the villain and doesn't take advantage! Granted, at that point there was a spy onboard but things would've been a lot different if she had just shot him.

Then after the crash the blonde chick doesn't make sure both guys are dead? She just gets out and leaves everybody. I just kept yelling F words at my TV screen throughout the entire film. It;s just so frustrating to see stupid characters do stupid things no real life person could possibly be stupid enough to do.


I wish I read this BEFORE I got my DVD in the mail from Netflix. Oh Well, I live and learn and will NEVER watch this movie again. Nor would I reccomend this movie to anyone that likes for movies to make SENSE and follow even the slightest amount of logic regarding human survival.

---It's such a shame our friendship had to end. Purple Rain. Purple Rain---
