MovieChat Forums > Viva Laughlin (2007) Discussion > You have to wonder why they even bothere...

You have to wonder why they even bothered

After all of the bad press, production shake ups, and negative buzz, you have to wonder why CBS even bothered to put this show on the air. If they had high expectations for it and where planning to pull it right away if it didn't perform, they should have cut their losses and aired reruns of something else. They could have saved on all of the promotion that went into this show if they just decided against airing it and chose to run either Jericho/Amazing Race in it's place.


They definately could have invested this money into improving Jericho.

21st century America....The New France



Likely as a favor to Jackman if nothing else. At least CBS can now say they tried. And didn't burn that Jackman bridge.

"Professionals built the Titanic. Amateurs built the Ark."
Helen Hannah


I agree, and I'm glad that Jackman's company and CBS will work together in future projects again. Hopefully the risks with VL will help them fine-tune a better and more successful show down the road.


I can't believe that the people who worked at CBS didn't know it was bad. There's no way you can watch that show and think this works. It amazes me that they even let it air to begin with.
