It's a BAD tri-fecta !!

BAD writing
BAD directing
BAD acting

I'm suprised this show made it passed the 2nd set of commercials.

I can't figure out how they (the network) thought this was going to be worth my time. I actually joined IMDB this morning to post this message to protest how awful this train wreck is.

the cop team couldn't find their SAG cards if they were pinned to their ties.

the cinematographer should be ashamed at how washed out the casino looks.

the director should get back into re-hab thinking that the actors were doing a good job of playing their parts.

My TiVo refuses to accept another season pass until i apologize for this drek.

Just my opinion.


While it does need work - mainly in how it's filmed, it's fairly true in style to the BBC original, Viva Blackpool.

I just think America doesn't have the same taste when it comes to kitsch and this isn't going to fly on network. It would have done better on Bravo.


need work?

It was flaming stillborn!

It may be true that UK versus US style is vastly different, but this was so 1 dimensional i'm suprised they were able to get it on the air.


Exactly. When will American TV Networks learn that some shows from overseas will not work in the states. I didn't know it was based on a British show. In the US, musicals only work in the theatre or in films. The singing definitely shocked me. The cast actually sang the background music that played. That was so strange.

And then there was the acting.

I don't think it would have worked on Bravo either.


i agree with you 100%!! i reeeaaally hope they don't plan on showing ANY of this again. o.O

end. ^___^


I can't figure out how they (the network) thought this was going to be worth my time. I actually joined IMDB this morning to post this message to protest how awful this train wreck is.

the cop team couldn't find their SAG cards if they were pinned to their ties.

Ah, see, something else I could add to my "good things about this show" list...

3. So bad it inspired epw-6 to sign up at IMDb, where they wrote angry but humorous complaint post that gave me a laugh. ;-)





number 5, has me ROFLMAO,,,,thx!



another addendum...

It was so bad, i kept turning up the brightness dial on the TV, but it didn't work!


I'm suprised this show made it passed the 2nd set of commercials.
When has that ever happened to a show?


When has that ever happened to a show?

I'm guessing the post was exaggerated for effect.
But for trivia's sake... while not US Network TV.. I heard that once, a series in AUS got pulled mid-episode. Something like, TV-manager-person was watching from home, and hated what they saw so much they called up and ordered the show off the air.

Anyway, pulled after second episode / pulled after second commercial break... turns out they weren't that far off. ;)


I cant remember the name of that show in OZ or what it was about but I know it was pulled by the station owner Kerry Packer himself. He was sitting at home and thought something was crap so he called the station and had it taken off. I think it was half way through the first show. Damn, what was that show called???

Packer was a legend. Evil incarnate, but a legend.


The show was called The Oblongs, I never saw it, but google is my friend!

Apparently he had it pulled because he found it offensive.


I don't think Google really is your friend. I think it has been lying to you ;)
I think the Oblongs reference is bogus, as what little was screened on Aust. free to air television was shown at 3:00AM! Still stranger things have happened. So I won't discount your link out of hand.
A more well known show that was pulled mid air, was "Australia's Naughtiest Home Videos" in 1992.
Here's a link if you are interested.


Thanks for the info. Since you refreshed my memory, yep, the incident I'd heard about was Packer pulling Australia's Naughtiest Home Videos.

As to The Oblongs, I love that show, but it's definitely not suited to everyone's tastes. The Oblongs @ Wikipedia says:

"When shown in Australia on free to air television in 2003, the show was pulled in the middle of the first episode [verification needed] (but was later shown in a late night/early morning timeslot)."
