It got axed

After 2 episodes, it is no more.;


Yep, and I have never heard of this show until today.


It's different, but I think it was too different. America wasn't ready for this one.

That's sad. Even with the premiere airing in Without A Trace's timeslot... it *still* did poorly. :(

It's the kid inside of us that keeps us all from going crazy.


What the frick!

I missed the first ep.

I watch the second

now it's done!

And it's still listed as being "on" on the Yahoo! TV schedule but they are showing an old CSI!

This sux.

Couldn't they have given it a chance to catch on?
we love you trolls, oh yes we do.


Procrastinate, Now!
Yeah, me too! I only got to see last week's eipsode, but I had it on my "to see" list for this week. But noooo, I just now looked and couldn't find it anymore! I'm soooo mad!! What's wrong with giving a show half a chance??? Just because it's not a cookie cutter image or a rubber stamp of all the other shows out there right now doesn't mean it won't be any good!! Color me ANGRY.


Procrastinator, if you've missed the pilot, here it is:

I agree, I wished they would have given this unique show a chance!
You know, Viva Laughlin could have approached the situation as the 80's American rock/pop group The Stray Cats had done in the past. The Stray Cats were considered different with their American retro Rockabilly at the time, and when they could not break out in the States, they moved to the UK and broke out very big there...and then afterwards they finally caught on here in the States and became very popular here too, lol.

Maybe that's what VL should have done, aired through another broadcast corp. in another country that it would have really appealed to so that we here in the States would have gotten curious about it and picked it up on our own networks!



The show was different, but imho - not quite as good as the original. You might check out BBC America for replays of Blackpool (Viva Blackpool in the US). The show is exactly the same (music, script) but the actors fit better. No disrespect to Lloyd Owen, I just liked his role in Monarch of the Glen (BBC)better.
It's really amazing how many great shows originated in the UK - would you believe "All in the Family"??

