MovieChat Forums > Viva Laughlin (2007) Discussion > Dumped in Australia after 1 show

Dumped in Australia after 1 show,23599,22634622-29277,00.html


not surprising


Aww boo. They just put it on in the wrong time slot. Did channel 9 really expect it to compete with South Park, Supernatural and, to a lesser extent, City Homicide?

</obscure reference>

It should have been put on a Saturday or Sunday.



Chanel 9 have said they will NOT play any further episodes.

Last film watched:


Aw, are you kidding? I really wanted to watch this show? I loved the original - Blackpool - with the lovely David Tennant, and although i wasn't liking it as much as the British one - i was still really interested in seeing what it was like in comparison!

I guess I should thank god that the ABC actually plays whole series through, not axing them after one episode! What happens to the people who actually liked it?

Did anyone see that Viva Laughlin was listed under Monday nights "must watch" section - and it was saying how witty etc it was? Obviously the majority of the Australian public likes crap rather than something a little different. (ahem Surprise surprise etc)

"Everything in this room is eatable. Even I'm eatable. But that’s called cannibalism."


I think why nine promoted it so much is because hugh jackmans in it doing his singing and dancing thing.

I have nothing against it but im not in love with it.
