Wasn't My Cup of Tea

Hey everybody,
I know there are people on here who absolutely love the movie, which is fine. But I had trouble following the film and its purpose, it to me was more of a slow drama, in an Indie fashion than a Horror/Comedy as I had read, Now I have seen disputes here on the Message board from Certain Users stating "Well why did you see it if it wasn't your Genre". Well it was and wasn't my fault, because for starters there are various lists, listing this movie together with movies like Tucker and Dale vs. Evil, Shaun of the Dead, and other funny movies. Also I am a huge believer in the IMDB rating system and think it is a HeII of alot more accurate than Rotten Tomatoes or other blog/movie sites, At the end of the day it just comes day to not being my taste, I will not dis-respect the Cast nor Directors because I have read this movie was done kind of as a dream to the guys, and it was shot on a Low Budget. But regardless I will compliment the film on what it was able to do within its means(budget wise, and technology wise).

Still the Main Character bothered me with his slowness lol! I sware I wanted to slap some sense into the guy!
