
This film didn't totally blow.

Kind of amazed by that. I seriously expected it to be one of the worst films I've ever seen, but it's actually not THAT bad.

It's not brilliant, but it's not bad, the funnyness of it all saves it. =D

Never Run In The Rain With Your Socks On - Billie Joe Armstrong


i tried but I found it kind of boring. The ending was okay, some parts were inspired.

What I really hate are all the fake reviews on this site obviously put there by people who worked on the film. They're pretty obvious. Ugh.


I gave it a 6. Much better than what I expected.


I kind of....uh....sort of....ah....agree with you. The first two thirds were pretty funny, but the last third was just a slasher movie. I really don't know what they were going for there. I give it a 6.5.

I actually liked their second film Blue Ruin better. And their third film Green Room is on my Netflix list. They definitely produce unique films.

