Watching it high?

Is it awesome?! My friend told me it was, but I wanna get other people's opinion. How good is it?



"put down the bong"
Actually I don't own a bong. I use a glass pipe.

"drop your stoner friends"
They are fun and intelligent people. So just because they smoke weed makes them bad people?

"move out of your parents basement and get a job"
I'm still in high school (I have a 4.0 GPA by the way) and have my own room in the house. Don't play the stupid, lazy stoner stereotype, I have a job. I work at a local movie store.

"have a family and watch YGG with your offspring like you're supposed to."
Like I'm supposed to? Who are you to say there is one way to live my life? I would love to have kids some day, but obviously not right now. It's people like you that are keeping this country ignorant and from moving forward. I think you need to abandon your closed minded ways of thinking and grow up.



Why are YOU on a message board for a show intended for kids? Why don't you remove that stick from your anus and stop acting like a pompous ass. Why not accept all kinds of people and their cultures? You may be too ignorant for that.



Party pooper.

That said, I watch this with my kid and I bet YGG would be hilarious to a stoned high school kid. I say go for it.


I'm watching it drunk right now!!
