Weird show!

The characters look ridiculous! Like dancing singing morons lol! But it keeps my daughter glued to the t.v. Anyone else think the same?


I think everyone feels the same & the same with my son


It is kinda weird, but what kids show isn't? I like the mid 80's videogame sequences and odd animation.


I felt the sameway when I first watched it. It was the Jack and the Beanstalk episode, which is definitely one of the stranger episodes, and 10 minutes in, I turned to my husband and said "I'm done, are you?" Then he pointed to our son who was mesmerized into it, so we left it on. By the end he was asking for more, and I only recorded it on our DVR to use for desperate times when I needed to keep him occupied for a few minutes.

But after a while, the show really grew on me! I LOVE a lot of the songs, and some of the shorter skits, and Super Martian robot Girl! If you want to see it at it's best, watch the Love, Sleep, Weather, New Friends, and Bad Spy episodes. They're my favorites.

But yes,.there are some weird moments!
