MovieChat Forums > Yo Gabba Gabba! (2007) Discussion > Subtle Sex and Drug Innuendo in Children...

Subtle Sex and Drug Innuendo in Children's TV Shows

I've always know this is something that was done, often times the creators slip things in for the parents who have to sit and watch along with the kids. I'll agree that some people go a little too far in "interpreting" this kind of stuff. On the other hand, I have a 10 month old child now, and I watch a lot of kid's TV shows, and I'm actually pretty amazed by the amount of stuff that's slipped in. Some of its very subtle and obvious and some of it is just downright obscene, it makes me wonder how they got it past censorship.

That being said, we like to pretend Toodee aka "Tootie", is a coke head. There's almost too many references to it for it to be accidental. I especially like when she got sick and Anthony Bourdain, an admitted coke addict, guest appeared as the doctor.


Yeah you read way too much into that.


Since writing this I've seen many many more in Yo Gabba Gabba. Its definitely purposeful. Sorry you don't see it.


No idea what you're talking about and I've been watching this show far longer than you. You sound like you need a life. Toodie is a coke head? Um... And your reasoning is an actor who did coke played a doctor.. Um... Yah ok


Ya right, like you've come into my home and monitored how much I've watched this show. My kids watch it every day and I've seen every single episode from every season countless times. Quit acting like a pretentious idiot. Also, if you'd read my first post you'd notice I said "we like to pretend". I think its purposeful though. I've seen so many references to it. She sings a song about snow falling "on her nose". Shes spastic with energy. She's always hiding behind bushes and stuff like she's doing something back there. There's so many I could list.


Have you seen the guest actors and musicians they get on the show as well? All most every one of them are proud pot smokers at the least. Most of them are high as a kite while they're filming it.


I don't know about Toodie's coke addiction, but Foofa is definitely on Prozac. She just meanders around with that lifeless blank stare watering plastic flowers.

I'm your Huckleberry.


We pretend Foofa is the pot smoker.


And Muno just so happens to be a monster shaped like a phallus, and wait, just one eye. A one eye'd monster shaped like that, how coincidental.


I agree
Gives me the same feeling as Pee Wee's Playhouse. We know how that turned out


you are an idiot. I think it's you who has serious issue and is projecting your own ideas into this show.


A "serious" issue? Please tell me more doctor asshat.


You know you don't have to be afraid of worms. Some big and hairy, some small and slimy. They can be a new friend to you. You never know.


The whole concept is a tribute to The Ramones. Here's some of the lyrics to their Pinhead song:
Gabba-gabba, we accept you, we accept you, one of us
Gabba-gabba, we accept you, we accept you, one of us

I don't want to be a pinhead no more
I just met a nurse that I could go for
I don't want to be a pinhead no more
I just met a nurse that I could go for

D-U-M-B, everyone's accusing me.
