MovieChat Forums > Gake no ue no Ponyo (2009) Discussion > Everybody stop watching the english dub

Everybody stop watching the english dub

Do yourself a favor and watch the original Japanese version with subtitles

I know a lot of people are spoiled as can be and are too lazy to read subtitles,
but the difference between the english dub and japanese version is like night
and day.

Don't be fooled by the fancy cast, with Miyazaki the original is always better!

I am not saying this because I am an elitist, but because I think this movie won't
get the praise it deserves if everyone watches the english dubbed version


But but but I don't speak Japanese. Why would I watch the movie in Japanese when I can't understand it? Its also an animated movie, it's not like cartoons are gonna be better actors in japanese.



Many Japanese voice actors are true professionals and veterans of the field, and there is a HUGE difference between them and "English sub" voices.

Studio Ghibli, in particular, spares little expense in ensuring only the best Japanese voice actors are used, and it shows. Given that their movies are full of powerful emotional overtones and stunning set pieces, it only adds to the weight of the moment.

Some of you may think English subs (for English speakers) may seem like a no-brainer, but you're missing out on the rich vocal heritage that great Japanese voice actors bring to the table.


The English dub is wonderful, imo. I also listened to the original Japanese on my DVD, and it was, too. But I would not advise people to avoid the dubs, especially ones as great as this one. And it's not about being "lazy and spoiled" for most viewers--it's about wanting to be able to focus on the visuals more than the subtitles, and also perhaps just the comfortable familiarity of hearing their own native language. Not saying you shouldn't promote the original Japanese version; definitely, appreciate it, recommend that folks listen to it. Maybe watch the movie twice (at least!) in both languages!

"If you don't have anything nice to say...come sit by me!"


When I found out that a Jonas brother and a Cyrus sister was playing the leads, I changed the DVD to Japanese language with English subs.

I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy.


You are not only being an elitist, you are being condescending.

I have watched many Japanese and Chinese films with subtitles, but I prefer to watch dubbed films. I like to see what is on the screen, and that is difficult when reading the subtitles.

Stating that the "original is always better" is a matter of opinion.
