MovieChat Forums > The Zombie Diaries (2007) Discussion > Why is there a listing on IMDB for this ...

Why is there a listing on IMDB for this steaming pile?

A movie made by a couple of kids in middle school about collecting farts in a plastic bag would be better than this.


While I agree that Zombie Dairies is a steaming pile of Drek I will say that it has a place on IMDB. It is a film and was marketed therefore it does need a listing.

If one good deed in all my life I did,
I do repent it from my very soul.
Aaron the Moor


A rare sensible post from Doomtrooper. I actually like Doom, he's not a mindless troll like Rogerdemarco30 or Taintedluv67.


Says the guy that spends all day stalking people.



Actuaslly I'm very good "at it" becuase 1.) you are wrong - dead wrong - about who I am and 2.) every time I post you throw a hissy fit.

Anyhow twerp, do you ever post anything about movies or do you just come here to attack other posters.

Hee haw!



I do not know.
