Merry Christmas Trolls

Just wanted to wish you all warm regards at this festive time and keep up the good work on here in 2010. Special wishes go to Rogerdemarco30, Taintedluv67 (and all his aliases) and Afromenace for the extra effort they all put in this year at spamming this board.

Cheers all! Have a mince pie and sherry on me!


Spamming the board? So sayeth the troll spam bumping threads with one or two words. But you are a sad little troll and need attention so I will respond to your desperate cries for attention.

If one good deed in all my life I did,
I do repent it from my very soul.
Aaron the Moor


Good to see Doomtrooper dropping by at xmas. Couldn't help himself!! LOL!!

Merry Xmas!


Screw you.
