A New Troll has arrived

It seems Tom-atkins has decided to take Justin's spot for troll of the board. I used to think he was a responsible board member till his latest thread bump trolling.

If one good deed in all my life I did,
I do repent it from my very soul.
Aaron the Moor



Unlike you, Doomtrooper and I (as well as every other poster on this board) can actually insult this movie and move on to other boards. It's only posters like you and Justin, that get so enraged, that they actually follow people to other boards. That's how I know that I really got under your skin. When someone's sole purpose on this site, is to troll posters to other message boards, then that person has been mentally dominated. Total *Success* in this case btw. Not to mention, you got people reporting you left and right and even some of your posts are disappearing. Quite hilarious!!!







Well let me just say that I'm not looking for a response, because the question wasn't geared towards me. I'm not going to speak for Doomtrooper personally or anybody else. I just want to give you some perspective on the way others think, so let me say this. The difference between myself and say....someone like Justin, is that he comes here with one agenda in mind. That sole agenda is too promote this movie ("The Zombie Diaries") and to try and mock others that don't share his vision. That's it. He will only post here and then follow people to other boards at a futile attempt to attack people. He will lie. He will make up statistics...ect...ect... That type of behavior is "Thee" cardinal sin on this site. Now promoting your own movie is ok, but you have to be respectful of others, or else you are just opening the floodgates. Once people get wind of that kind of scenario, then a lot of people (like myself) come here to counteract said posts until the person leaves for good. It happens more times than you think. If you go over to the "Night of the Living Dead 3D" board, then you can see all the damage that was done there. Sid Haig's wife tried to control the board....tried to get every negative opinion deleted....and everyone pretty much turned on her (like Justin). It was so bad, that she actually got her account banned.

Now take me for instance. I will go to a board and I will stay for a short while, maybe pop in here and there, but I will move on. But if someone attacks me or tries to have a joke at my expense, then I will stay around. Probably till that person either stops or leaves. Take a good look at my posts over at the "Universal Soldier: Regeneration" board. I was totally respectful, even when I was called 'delusional'. I calmly explained my opinion and was mocked again. So I started to fire back. As you can see, I'm not the only one that thinks that way. Call it what you want....but I call it fun. It's the whole, "Don't start what you can't finish" aspect that I enjoy. But here's the kicker....I'm able to move on. I watch new movies every week and I want to talk about them. So I move on until some other negative comment is tossed my way. I don't outright attack others and even when I spoke with Bartlett briefly, I still kept my cool. Even though I said that his movie was the worst movie that I've ever seen, I still acknowledged his point about the acting in "Diary of the Dead". I believe the term I actually used, was "theatrical" in the case of the Professor's acting. Now it's up to me, and me alone, to determine what I consider an attack or an insult. So like I said earlier, if someone wants to play, then I'll play to. Now when someone gets upset at me and follows me to other boards....then that makes me happy. Really happy. It's like the greatest compliment that you could bestow on someone's ego. You say to yourself, WOW. I made someone so mad that they actually did that? Awesome. Take a look at my posting history....I don't follow people around. I made one post to Bartlett only because he never answered my 'PM' about the acting in "Diaries", compared to the acting in "Diary". So I saw my oppurtunity to get my question answered and I'm glad to say that I got it. Then I moved on. I could go on for a long time, but I've already wrote quite a bit....so I will expand on this later.



Let me say, that right now, I'm being as respectful as possible. No disrespect is intended. The fighting didn't start because I took offense because of your joke. It's actually quite the opposite. You were pretty much a regular on this board, the same as I. The same as every other name on this board that you see pop up more than 5 times. I've acted in the same demeanor as I've always acted in. So my remarks to you, shouldn't have come as a surprise. You tried to have a little laugh at me and I responded in the same way as I've always acted. The only difference now, is that you are on the opposite end. You thought I was attacking, when I was actually having fun. Any regular on this board, should've picked up on that. Now like I said in the above post, I'm not here to speak for anyone else. But I can guess as to why Doomtrooper said you were a troll. It's because you act in the same manner as Justin did. Just like him, once the ball got rolling in the game, it completely absorbed you. You stopped making conversation on other boards and spent all of your time on either this board....or following others to where they like to post. Then you decided to bump some threads for no apparent reason, other than to stir up some trouble. Just as Justin liked to do. When you first came to this board, you made fun of Justin, just like the rest of us. The only difference is, you eventually became him. I told you my reason for being on this board, so you are well aware of my motives. As you know, my reasons for being here are identical to some of the other posters on here. Which is to make fun of a guy, that thought he could promote a movie he was involved with (even if it's a small capacity) and try to get all of the negative opinions (about the movie) deleted.


The problem is Tom that you and Roger both have had actual intelligent conversations on this board regarding the film. Hence why I was shocked that you suddenly decided to spam bump threads and such. Now yes Roger does pick on Justin and mimick him at times still he is far from the troll that Justin is. I usually keep an eye on this board mainly to see what is going on and to steer people away from the film if they want a decent zombie film. Justin was the only true troll for the most part on this board with his constant spam bumps and I would not be surprised if he had created sock puppets for both sides of the fight.

If one good deed in all my life I did,
I do repent it from my very soul.
Aaron the Moor







"Also Roger, the "Autopsy of the Dead" board that your talking about, is an argument between me and the distributor of the film using the imdb to spam and pimp his film."

I'm the producer/distributor of Autopsy of the Dead. Let's be clear: I didn't have an "argument" with you. (After all, there can be no arguing with an insane person.) No, I actually reported you for following rogerdemarco30 to our message board and posting inappropriate and abusive comments towards him when he was simply discussing our film. He was not the problem; you were. You took offense to being called out as a troll and threw a hissy fit, so I batted you down like the annoying gnat that you are. You also lied about purchasing our DVD, so I offered an unconditional 200% refund if you'd simply return it with the receipt, which you can't do since you obviously can't return what you haven't got.

Except for a single post to the Night of the Living Dead forum (the movie upon which our documentary is actually based), all discussion/promotion of Autopsy of the Dead on the IMDB has been contained to the film's dedicated message board. So you must have one screwy definition of "using the imdb to spam and pimp" if you don't think it's even appropriate to mention our film on the IMDB page that's been dedicated to it.

Of course, nobody need take my word for any of this. They can simply follow the link to my posting history and see for themselves how you create your own misery wherever you go. I don't care who you are, you don't get to harass my customers while I'm living and breathing.

Now If you're too retarded to cut your losses and steer clear of me, which includes mentioning me in other forums such as this one, then you're in for a really bumpy ride, sister.



First, let me take the time to apologize to the distributor of "Autopsy of the Dead". I'm no saint, but I've never made fun of anyone that didn't try and provoke a response from me first. As you can plainly see, there has always been a bit of a flame war on this board and I'm sorry that it spilled out to various other places. But do take note that you are a diamond in the rough, because you are one of the few people involved in the industry, that (I've seen) post on this site, and has remained 100% respectful. The exact opposite happened here and even though the director's recent posts have all been of a positive nature, I'm afraid this board has never recovered. I've always taken the stance that promoting your film on this site is good, as long as you are able to except criticsm, and didn't try to get someone's posts deleted because they held a different opinion than you. Again, my apologies.




