MovieChat Forums > The Zombie Diaries (2007) Discussion > 100 things I learnt from this movie

100 things I learnt from this movie

1: If you're stuck in a seaming less empty village with a broken-down car, call the person who gave you the tip for the story and yell at them, but don't call your friend who lives 20 minutes from there.
2: If you're stuck in a seaming less empty village with a broken-down car, don’t try to find another car that works, break into a house instead.
3: If you've knocked on a door and broken it, a zombie on the upper floor will not hear you.
4: Some zombies have glowing eyes.
5: If you’re being half eaten by a zombie, don't call for help.
6: When walking up the stairs when the power is out, always shine your flashlight in your friends face.
7: Zombies only come out at night.
8: If you've been chased by zombies into the woods, sit down and make a fire.
9: If you've lived a month in a world with zombies, don't bother picking up any other weapons than a rifle.
10: If you've lived a month in a world with zombies, put your rifle away on a bench.
11: If you've lived a month in a world with zombies, always split up.
12: Zombies will occasionally lie down and play dead until someone flips them over.
13: If you've lived a month in a world with zombies, don't close the damned car door.
14: If a zombie approaches you, just stand still and stare at it.
15: If you've had the time to load a bunch of food into your car while zombies are approaching, don't bother driving away, use up your last ammo on them.
16: Zombies will disappear behind buildings when you catch a glimpse of them in your eye.
17: When driving away, if you have a choice to run into three zombies or run off the road, run off the road.
18: If your girlfriend/wife gets knocked unconscious by driving off the road, just say "Get the f@ck off me" and leave her there.
19: If one of the people you're with get's knocked unconscious, don't help her out of the car, stand there and record while she's being eaten.
20: If you're going to shoot your friend in the head, always walk away a bit.
21: If a zombie attacks you, stretch out your hand to it, so it can get a big good chunk of it.
22: If you see other survivors that are killing zombies, stretch out your arms and run towards them laughing manically.
23: If you've lived a month in a world with zombies, when zombies attack your hideout, bring a camera instead of a gun or weapon.
24: If you're wondering why zombies keep attacking your hideout, burn bodies at night, because zombies are not attracted to fire.
25: When your boyfriend returns, and you find out he's infected, tie him up and lie next to him in a bed.
26: If you've lived a month in a world with zombies, and zombies attack your damned hideout EVERY NIGHT maybe you should consider putting up some fences or switch hideouts.
27: If you find out that one member of your group has a zombie sex-slave, don't ever confront him about that, or tell the others in your group.
28: If you've just watched, and recorded a member of your group getting killed by another person, just stand there.
29: If the said killer looks for you, just walk into a room with an open door, he won’t find you.
30: If he does find you, beg for mercy until he shoots you.
31: If you survive the shot, crawl out of the room into the open where the zombies will eat you.
32: Zombies feel pain if you cut there fingers off.
33: If you walk in a straight line, zombies will suddenly appear out of nowhere.
34: A military commanding officer will break procedure if he finds a survivor.
35: If you hide in a farmhouse with a blanket wrapped around you, you will survive.


36: Stand and shoot randomly at bushes.
37: If a child gets wounded from a gunshot, don't try to save her, kill her instead.
38: If you shoot someone in the head, there will be no entry wound.


39: Professional film crews will film random stuff like the roadside from a moving car and arguments within the group while driving to a location for a planned story/interview.


40. Although all electrical power may be out for a month or more and you have to resort to using kerosene lanterns and candles for light, the batteries from your video cameras will always retain a charge even after continuous 24/7 use.

Don't ask me what I think of you,
I might not give the answer that you want me to.
- Fleetwood Mac, "Oh Well"



42. If you have a zombie sex slave / girlfriend be sure to blind her eyes.


1 thing you didnt learn from this movie... how to spell learned.



You must be an American, genius.

Well, somebody's gonna have to go out there.



46. That 28 Days Later is still the best British zombie movie.


46) Take gravol before watching a movie done with a hand held camera.... barf!

I also had high hopes for this film. Like many others, I also found the cover/ movie poster misleading. Just to illustrate how much this movie had me gripped in my seat, I took up knitting while the film played on my TV screen....

Smoke me a kipper. I’ll be back for breakfast


well, the only fun idea was that of a zombvie sex slave. thatr one made me burst out in laughter.

"It doesn't matter what Bram Stoker has told you... dead people don't come back from their graves"


