season 3 petition

I found a petition for season 3. Here's the address.

please sign it.



what's gonna happen in the last SO2 episode that they won't be needing a SO3?
Closure is important.


it's not that they don't need a series three, it's that the BBC are not comissioning a series three. There's still debate about a feature length one off special to give us all closure though. I've posted this before but I'll post it again

News from Joss Agnew (director on Young Dracula):
The final episode this week “The Chosen One” I did direct and I can tell you that it’s a single, half hour normal length episode – though that’s all that is normal about it...

Things with the BBC have turned, let’s say, quiet. I think we’re in a no-man’s land at the moment. Let’s see what the reaction is to the last episode. I remain hopeful and am prepared to do all I can to get the story finished.

That’s fantastic new about the petitions. Keep your powder dry and stay in touch!
Best Wishes



Going back to the petition, i don't think it'll make the slightest difference how many sign it, if no-one from the beeb is willing to take it on/omission a new series, they won't. As much as I like YD, I must conseed that the BBC have probs got their hearts set on no season 3, and nothing in the world can change that, although if it were me, i'd make a third season.


we have to do something to get a thrid series. even if it means protesting outside the BBC studio. if they saw how passioniate fans are they must have the heart to change their minds.

Goblin King! Goblin King! Wherever you may be take this child of mine far away from me!


It's the BBC ... it wouldn't. ¬_¬


Just signed it: 1795 signatures total.

RIP Heath Ledger
The best Joker of all time.


Wow, that looks like a fair amount of signatures but in the grand scheme of things its not enough, Come on people SIGN!!!!! :)
