MovieChat Forums > Young Dracula (2006) Discussion > At least Doctor Who is still good...

At least Doctor Who is still good...

Oh, wait... its not. Damn.

T~O 1291 You're more at home with the monsters than I am.


totally agree, the beeb is shoving it down our throats even though no-one's interested anymore...


Actually I still am, but then I grew up with it (old bird me!).

Just getting fed up with them keep changing. My lot used to last a few more years at least - haha. Perhaps we had more stamina then?!

Home Education = Freedom for Kids


Exactly. Want desperately to keep tennant. love tennant. stupid BBC.

T~O 1291 You're more at home with the monsters than I am.


Not a proper regeneration - trust the geek girl. The Dalek only hit half of him therefore only half of him is damaged.

It's not a proper regeneration. Can't be. .... Really it's not.


Tennant's signed on till 2010, so he's not regenerating into a new body. The hand will have something to do with that. They focused on it far too much to just be coincidence.

Anyway, I know it's a stretch but maybe, with no proper series of Doctor Who next year (due to Tennant taking a break), BBC will bring back Young Dracula for at least a one-off to wrap up all loose ends.


Now that would be a good idea. Just watched the final episode of YD again and still can't believe that they will leave it like that - far too many unanswered questions.

However, they are using the excuse of no money to not have a proper series of either Dr Who or Torchwood next year from what I've heard (as well as Tennant going off and doing Shakespeare?). What I want to know is where is the TV licence money going - oh yes there's another reality, viewer vote, show coming up isn't there, The Choir - joy, cant wait, money well spent - NOT!!!!! Can't they leave this kind of dross to ITV and C4?

Home Education = Freedom for Kids


Good point. I mean, Doctor Who and Torchwood are probably the biggest spenders the BBC have. And YD, for all its special effects, it wasn't that big of a budget compared to them. Surely next year they'll be able to afford to shoot a one shot?


They should, but, in my opinion, BBC is turning slowly into the British version of Fox: cancelling the excellent shows and keeping on the ones of lesser quality.


I thought David Tennant was staying on for it too, but EVERYONE has told me other wise. Personally, I totally agree, I'd much rather keep him doing it, instead of having another new doctor.
I ABHOR THESE REALITY SHOWS. Seriously, what kind of crap are we all paying for? I think you are right crow, the BBC is becoming fox. I HATE FOX.

T~O 1291 You're more at home with the monsters than I am.


David Tennant is stay - I've checked the offical Doctor Who Magazine and they've confirmed that he's signed up to do the specials next year and the christmas specials this year.

I don't get why people aren't clicking that it isn't a proper regeneration. I mean, come on, like they'd let the 10th doctor go out with his final lines being 'I'm regenerating' chance.



T~O 1291 You're more at home with the monsters than I am.


Lol, nah it's pretty obvious. Like they'd let him go out with his last line being 'I'm regenerating'. Plus there is the whole fact that there's no way in hell that they could keep a proper regeneration a secret. The fact that so much of this episode has been kept a secret suggests its still David Tennant as the Doctor.


Hi, just thought I'd say don't you think it's a bit strange to be discussing Dr Who on this board (not that I mind), but there is a Dr Who board on IMDB. Checked it out when these messages started. I wonder if they realise the prog is being discussed elsewhere - haha.

Hey ho, I just think we are all just feeling a little lost and need each other's companionship to cope with our grief - umm, or maybe I'm just being overly dramatic.

Home Education = Freedom for Kids


Hit the nail on the head really.

T~O 1291 You're more at home with the monsters than I am.


'the BBC is becoming FOX' hmm, and interesting thought. reality tv and other crap seems to be taking over all tv... and due to various factors such as the net and mobiles... the quality of tv is going downhill steadily. my opinions on dr who are known at the myspace forums/tv/cable/dr who thread well- and for those ignorant- that having seen all surviving episodes on reruns between 03 and 06- therefore within such a short time frame i have a fairly unbiased opinion of them- and having seen the entire new series fresh from the printer, i have to say both are outstanding shows but do not fit together. the new dr who works well as a stand alone show but just doesnt seem right with the old series and this has little to do with its style... its more of an issue than that. however lets not dilly dally with talk- the point is i reckon if its a money issue they should put their efforts into YD seeing as DR WHO just isn't the same as its old series.


the point is i reckon if its a money issue they should put their efforts into YD seeing as DR WHO just isn't the same as its old series

Well, I'm going to try to be fair here, and say of course Doctor Who isn't the same old series. Sad fact is it was never going to be the same old series, with the crappy sets and crappy costumes that people loved. Now even the smallest of television channels has half way decent costumes, set, and special effects avaible to them. And it's not like they had any of the old writers on hand either - though I'm sure they would have been able to get hold of a couple of them - so the current writers are doing their best with the NewWho canon.

But yeah, you're right. There's a year without a proper Doctor Who series, so they could easily produce something to give Young Dracula a proper ending (I'll admit, I've given up hope for a third series. Personally, I'll be happy with a proper ending, just something to finish the story off WELL)

Having said that, it's getting to a point were I would believe someone telling me FOX has bought the rights to the BBC...


ha... i just had the amusing notion of an american take on young dracula... i hear they are making a yank version of some mother's do ave em


Hm, it's amusing but no, personally, I think it would mean a loss in the charm for Young Dracula.

Though an American version of Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em? ... Cannot see it.


Okay, so I know there's a seperate Doctor Who board because I was actually just over there. The funny thing is, now that Tennant quit, one of the posters over there was suggesting Keith-Lee Castle as a replacement. I actully read that while I had Young Dracula on the telly in the background. The coincidence made me giggle, so I had to share. It cracked me up more when I came on here and there was a thread about Doctor Who.

Teenage angst has paid off well, now I'm bored and old...


Actually, now that you mention it, Keith-Lee Castle might be a good replacement for the doctor.

Don't know whether anyone else could see that....


weird thing was that I was thinking that too ... he'd be very awesome
