How to join?

I signed up for the Italian Job Rally but then for some reason the site was taken down and I'm damn interested in this one.

I've gone through the site 2-3 times and the links which say "sign up here" etc. lead to pages that arent related to applications etc.

Anyone have any ideas?

"There's no point in being grown-up if you can't act childish, sometimes." - The Doctor (Tom Baker)


never heard of the Italian job rally is it new, but if the site was taken down it's a good chance it was cancelled, I know last year a popular rally called the players run was cancelled don't know why but it was. the bullrun might be full already cause that rally is suppose to happen in about a month or so. if your looking to get into a rally this year I know the aka rally is still open cause this year rally is in july(, plus it's the cheapest one I've seen so far.

I would love to participate in one but none of my friends are willing to take a chance, hopefully in a few years when I'm making a little more money I will do one on my own if I can't find someone to partner up with, and if you get into one good luck man.


The Italian Job Rally was based on the original movie with Michael Caine. In it, racers have to drive from one point of Italy to the the next, emulating the chase that Caine had to endure from the Mafia and the Cops.

"There's no point in being grown-up if you can't act childish, sometimes." - The Doctor (Tom Baker)


the site's back up

"There's no point in being grown-up if you can't act childish, sometimes." - The Doctor (Tom Baker)


all that i know is that you sign up for the bullrun on a website then they take you for an audition and decide whether or not your good enough


Not really sure how to sign up, and dont think you can now that it has started but my friend and I were contacted to compete in the program about 9 months ago buy a rep for spike as she saw his Trans AM WS6 and thought he would be great for the show we were going to do the show but he couldnt put his car on the line due to spike not covering the damges that may have been done and now that i Have seen the first episode I am sure he would have done some major damage he's a crazy driver and goes for broke whenever he races. When we backed out we were replaced my the son and daughter team and I think they were a better set for the show me and my friend aing got S#%t going on in our lives he works and I am a college student they seem like they can afford to take the time off and afford whatever damage they do to their car. It would have been fun to compete and I think we could of really won this now that I have seen the competition. Lol


You're a college student? I'm guessing your major isn't English or journalism, right?



dude... be nice now!

"There's no point in being grown-up if you can't act childish, sometimes." - The Doctor (Tom Baker)
