MovieChat Forums > Wraiths of Roanoke (2007) Discussion > Description for lost colony

Description for lost colony

Information from Adrian Paul Filmography:

In 1587, Sir Walter Raleigh recruited 117 men, women and children for a permanent settlement on Roanoke Island, on North Carolina's coast. John White was appointed governor of the new "Cittie of Raleigh." Among the colonists were White's pregnant daughter Eleanor Dare, his son-in-law Annanias Dare, and the Indian chief Manteo, who had become an "ally" (his interpretor) during his "stay" (enslavement) in Britain.

The group journeyed from Britain to Roanoke Island and established the first English settlement in America. Within three years, however, they had vanished with scarcely a trace. England's initial attempt at colonization of the New World was a disaster, and one of America's most enduring legends was born.


Indians were not friends with the white men like it says in the school text books. I've been reading Lies My Teacher Told Me. And from what my friend has been relating to me from the books she read... Where White Men Fear to Tread: The Autobiography of Russell Means. And... Our brother's keeper: the Indian in white America. Also... Lakota Woman by Mary Crow Dog. I plan to read those books after I finish my current book.

There's a universal justice,
And the eyes of truth,
Are always watching you.


it's too bad you're reading books that are attempting to re-write history, instead of reading books that are documents of history. Today's authors (especially the author of "Lies my teacher told me") are doing nothing but re-writing history in an effort to change it in the minds of "new" learners and make the "white man" out to be nothing but evil. An act which, itself, IS EVIL.

"Are you ALWAYS that stupid, or are we just lucky today?"


Yep. One of Loewen's biggest problems is that he is too agenda-driven. He is so eager to "correct" the errors with the "white version" of history, that he is willing to ignore the parts that are accurate. I'm the first to admit that there are plenty of problems with the versions of history that are taught in many schools and universities, and it is very true that history is written by the victors. But James Loewen's work tends to work better as fiction than as a responsible correction of history.


So I guess that Loewen's work is a case of people overcompensating for past flaws or mistakes by making more. Certainly not the first time.


I'm certainly no expert or historian, but I suspect that the relations that the Indians had with the whites probably varied from time to time. Sometimes they were indeed friendly, while other times...not. I'd take modern historians with the proverbial grain of salt, IMO. I suspect that often times, they tend to be politically motivated.


American History has forever been ruined by the lies of all Americans not willing to accept they stole land
