MovieChat Forums > Nine (2009) Discussion > Awful. Just awful.

Awful. Just awful.

I caught this POS movie the other night and I want that time back. Honestly how do you fek up a musical?!?

Why did Fergie need to gain all that weight for that AWFUL "musical" number? It was a bunch of women in go-go boots stomping around in a sand box. Or a litter box. I was half expecting one of them to squat down and drop a deuce. Tamborines? Were they Italian or gypsies?

The only thing I did enjoy and laugh out loud about was the priests chasing the little boys. At least that was a true depiction.

If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.


Yeah that number was seriously creepy to include the little boys, who I thought were far too young to be "turned on" by a prostitute! And the sand looked like a mess to shoot with, and just didn't work. Those actresses must have been covered with it at the end, yuck.


The number isn't about little boys being turned on. It's about little boys and their curious minds learning about something they've only heard of from a prostitute. They're fascinated, they're amused, and--mainly--they don't know why it's "wrong" until they're punished. This is central to Guido's "Madonna/Whore" complex. It's about how he became the man he is. I found this to be one of the only effective and well-done numbers in the travesty of a film.

Here's a look at how it was originally done. You'll notice that Rob Marshall's choreography seems to be very closely inspire by this:


Now I am by no means stating I liked this film..... On the contrary, I saw this opening weekend and it left me cold, bored and completely underwhelmed.

With that said, Fergie's number, was by far, the best in the entire movie and definitely a highlight. She not only rocked it (her voice was robust, solid) but I thought the choreography was great... The OP did give me a chuckle though with the cat litter comparison. LOL.

IMO, there are many things to criticize in this movie... but Fergie's number, is not one of them. She got a solid A+ from me.. but that's just me.


I wouldn't say it was 'awful' but it is most certainly DDL's only bad spot in filmography.

I am you and what I see is me.


Eversmile, NJ
