Sept. 25 show at universal walk studio

anyone went to see the movie? let me know what you think. i missed it. txs.


i went! it was so awesome cause my friends from northern CA came down for a visit and they took us to Universal that day, so we bought tickets online for it then after walking around Universal Studios, we headed to Citywalk. We waited by the little red carpet then later Dylan, Cole, Kay, and Charlie Stewart(Bob) arrived. When everyone finally went inside the theater, we saw that dylan, and everybody were sitting in the front so we rushed up and were able to sit right next to cole. it went my sister savannah on the edge, my friend kaylee, me, my friend jamie, my other friend jennifer, then cole, then charlie, then dylan, and then kay. it was so awesome cause we could hear their conversations, dealing with cole's girlfriend who's name my friend has forgot. this is what we heard:

kay: are you still going out?
cole: yeah it's her birthday October 1st (or second) and i have no idea what to get her.....
kay: jewelry?
cole: nah...

well, the movie was having some MAJOR technical difficulties and the movie didn't start till like 7:00 when it was supposed to start at 5:00 but hey we got to hang with them for some time! well, everyone was getting bored and cole kept asking EVERYONE "are you bored like i am bored"? dylan even pulled out his Nintendo DS, lol. dylan got bored so he went up to the microphone in the fron t and started a Q & A with everyone. Cole raised his hand and asked: "How old are you?" and dylan was like, "Uh, im the same age as you!". then my sister asked,

dylan: you at the end
sister: do you speak Italian?
dylan: you know what, I wish. It's the language of love but no.....

then cole whispered to us:

cole: alfredo!

it was so funny.

jennifer: how's Bubba?
dylan: he's fat and happy
cole: here let me show you a picture(pulls out his iPhone and bubba is on the screen with a silly face, lol)

i have it recorded on my phone, but i don't know if i will post it cause someone might steal it. if you guys want to hear any more you can repost or PM me. also, disneychannelfan14 is jennifer who got to sit right next to cole, and if i said anything wrong jennifer please correct me!


i forgot to talk about the movie, lol.

i expected it to be a lot different then it was. I thought it would be like that Mary Kate and Ashley movie but it wasn't! it's so funny when cole has his hair slicked back. cole is actually really rude in the movie and very stuck up. but he is not that way in real life! dylan's (tom) parents died in the movie so he lives with his grandpa. cole's mom is his agent and they don't really have a great relationship in the movie. It was a good hour and 45 minutes long. dylan, cole, and charlie left DURING the movie not even half way through it. i still don't know where they actually went. oh yeah and charlie was in it for like a minute. he played tom's friend at school and only had one scene. i don't even think his character had a name....

any more ?'s feel free to PM me or reply :)



What did you think of the scene with the restaurant interviewer? (When the "secret" started to come out?) Sally Kellerman was also in that scene.



That's really cool that you got to go! Did you get any pictures?


Cody-I'm sorry I flicked flour in you face
Zack-I'm sorry your my brother!


My husband and I were actually on set when that scene (the restaurant scene) was shot. Our daughter, Jen, was the restaurant interviewer.

We did get some pix, but they're really of the crew, since we didn't want to interfere with the filming. We were trying very hard not to appear to be "stage parents".


So I saw the pic of u and Kay and the pic of u and Cole and my question the pic of u and Cole, is the other girl in the pic ur friend Jennifer?


no it is my sister. jennifer is my friend on flickr, but i dont have any pictures with her on my account.

oh and about the scene, does the girl a brunette? i remember something about eddie as tom in a restaurant with tom's grand pa and eddie wanted a veggie dog or hamburger i don't really remember a restaurant, though..... sorry


Makenzye-Jennifer made it onto wireimage if she was wearing a green shirt and is a blonde

cooooooooool and yeah I remember that scene ur talking about



yeah that's me- jennifer!! Yeah, I was wearing the green shirt, lol. my flickr account username is jenniferh2525.
here's the one of me and Avrielle Corti:
kay panabaker:
cole sprouse:
tyler steelman:

I got a kiss and a hug from David Henrie and a hug from Jake T. Austin on August 3, 2007!!



They were rumors that Michelle Pfeiffer and Lois & Clark star dean Cain did a cameo in this movie. Is it true?


Makenzye/Jennifer: The part about Kay and Cole talking about Cole's "gf" might have been heard wrong...cuz Cole is definately single (2 of his real friends just told me)

ANyway, awesome


well that's what we heard so im believing what i heard.


yeah, that's what I heard too. Kay was like, "so you guys going out," and cole said yes. her birthday was on oct. 1. makenzye, it was those annoying girls behind us who said, jewerly not kay. you can believe what you want to believe

I got a kiss and a hug from David Henrie and a hug from Jake T. Austin on August 3, 2007!!


Does anyone know if this movie will be released in theaters before it goes to DVD? We thought it was going to be released in theaters sometime this year, but am not optimistic at this point, as there is no release date given on the movie's IMDB page.


there will be a theatrical release but it will be limited. We are going to be in Florida and Los Angeles. I am currently in production on another project and wil assign someone from Oak Films to post info here as have it.


i went to the premiere and it was great!!! i got in trouble by cole and that was very funny. oh well.


how did you get in trouble, lol?
