don't kid youself

this tv movie will be *beep* despite the fact that it has bryan brown in it, who is a mad actor.


We'll see. I'll watch it, then cry for kidding myself.


Channel ten stuffed up The Society Murders. I'm keeping an open mind on this one. It has the potential to be good but could easily dissapoint.


Yeah... um , dude, channel 10 doesn't MAKE the films, they just broadcast them. As you will see, this and The Society Murders had different directors.


Wrong. It was a well-made film and approached the subject without over-dramatising the events.



No it wasn't that great at all. It said nothing new, nothing. Its faults lay in the writing. I try to support Aussie programs and watch most of them but during this movie I kept asking myself what was the point of it?


The point was to promote awareness of a huge story of public relevance to those viewers who might not have followed the full story in the papers.

For instance, before watching this drama I had no idea the hairband had been found in the suspect's belongings, or that his DNA had been discovered on the handcuffs. Before that, my fears were that perhaps they had got the weong guy. But after watching this, I am content the murdering scum is behind bars.


I'm not sure what was said in the film but the police said they found a similar (not necessarily the same) hair band in one of Murdoch’s cars and this wasn't used as evidence for the prosecution so they couldn't have been convinced that it was the same one

Also on the dna on the cuffs

"The court has been told investigators also took the restraints on a visit to Murdoch in an Adelaide prison in October 2002, before they were later sent overseas for the further DNA testing.

However, the cuffs were kept in a closed paper bag and not shown to Murdoch, the court has been told."

They took these to use while interviewing Murdoch although they said they kept them in a bag. Why did they do this and risk contamination before the DNA testing? Also the DNA tests gave three different results one of them the director of the testing lab and one unknown which suggests people were handling these items without gloves

I know I am not the only one who is uncomfortable with the way this investigation was conducted, these high profile high publicity cases put a lot of pressure on getting a result sometimes at the expense of the truth.



whens it on again


No idea when it's on again

I hate it when people say 'it's gonna be crap' before they even know much about a project and why they feel like sharing their unfounded opinion with the rest of the world.

I thought it was really interesting... and the guy who played Murdoch did a brilliant job. He got the mannerisms spot on. Scary stuff.

I like how it was understated and followed Joanne's story and the court process instead of making some kind of thriller set in the outback.

