How is this board empty???

W...T....F....I'm used to great anime being overlooked but this is a crime. Definitely one of the better series I've seen in a while. I highly recomend it. Good action, good story. WATCH IT.

- Death leaves no beautiful corpses...None


I know. And a 5.0? WTF?


I agree, awesome show. I was very surprised to find that not many have heard of it.


It's available in streaming in English on Netflix now and I sincerely hope it's better in Japanese, because I want to strangle the girl playing Christmas with a phone cord every time I hear her warble "Kuuuuraaauuu!"



It was annoying at first but I got used to it.

For such a long series it gets tiresome to read English subs, so I was only too happy to settle for the US voices. So sue me. heehee
